Tuesday 3 April 2012

where's the l0ve....

haaa..here's a thought t0 digest.....

what is happening in 0ur world??........
fyi the earth is sup0sably the 0nly habitable place f0r us human....but what are we d0ing??...we are destr0ying 0ur 0wn home day by day because 0f our selfishness and sense 0f pride....we w0uld rather kill and fill the w0rld with hatred because we d0n't want any 0pp0sitions t0 our beliefs.....

the day we arrive....
fr0m the quran.....the universe was made through a huge BANG...and planets was f0rmed....0r scientist calls it the BIGBANG the0ry.....and then Allah created man 0r specifically Adam a.s and thus the question arise "why are we here?".....it is stated clearly in the quran that th0se bef0re us had cause destructi0n 0n earth and s0 Allah created us t0 bec0me the caliph or leader 0n earth.....

m0dern caliph.....
we all kn0w the purp0se of our existence....in which t0 bring pr0sper and harm0ny t0 earth....but what is happening n0w...we dis0beyed Allah's law and f0llowed our 0wn feelings and em0tions....and finally hatred, death, cruelty spreads ar0und the gl0be like wild fire.....we s0 called civilized pe0ple c0uldn't st0p the killing and even regard it as a s0lution.....we kill inn0cents in the name 0f jihad.....we kill inn0cents in the name of Allah....this is n0t what Islam teaches and of c0urse this is n0t what Allah wanted....

s0ciety in malaysia.....
maybe we d0n't have harsh life like th0se living B0snia, africa 0r the middle east....but what we are facing here is an epidemic 0f hed0nism, free sex and fall 0f m0ral values.....these are remedy that will cause cha0s and the fall 0f humane values.....we malays especially....we can 0nly talk, write, p0st and s0 on....but the pr0blem still l0oms in explicit ways....the malay culture is ab0ut ethics and moral c0de....but the M0DERN AND 'SMART' malays they tend t0 forget these values and adapt the much liberal values 0f the west....the d0wnfall 0f our s0ciety is n0t to be blamed t0wards evil cults...such as illuminati 0r other bullshit...but it's 0f our 0wn fault.....

the next generati0n.....
as a y0uth...we will inherit the w0rld and all its wealth and all its pr0blems....but at the start 0f the transiti0ns...we had already sh0wed glitches....we must be aware 0f what is happening....we must start t0 think b0ut our life and st0p being s0mething we're n0t....it's time t0 change....it's time t0 become m0re mature and it's time t0 bec0me a leader.....

haha...4 all th0se f0lks out there....hear me as I say we need t0 change 4 the better.....we need t0 be s0mething that we are n0t what we aren't...s0 dear youth it's time t0 be m0re civilized and bring back the l0ve.....


  1. yeah..i love the part u said bout the explosive BANG ;d BIGBANG~
