Friday 13 April 2012


haha....this is a little intriguing st0ry of my sleep.......

s0me pe0ple say that dreams are s0metime reflecti0n of what you feel bef0re you go to sleep.....if you feel afraid bef0re sleeping,,then nightmares will certainly haunt you....if you feel will dream b0ut the ones you l0st or the things that make you sad......if you l0nging for s0meone...then you'll dream of that s0meone....these words that I gathered is an excuse or reas0ns for what I have dreamt....

I'm a sentimental guy....ntahla....hahaha...but it's true th0ugh....s0metimes cpat sgt ana trasa.....mybe because I have a s0ft heart...(mcm cgu zaleha ckp la...huhu)....but when I feel cl0se to's hard for me to forget...(my best knew it...huhu)....maybe I'll stay l0nging....but I'm afraid utk ubatkan rndu......because I d0n't know why mmg tk0t...utk ubatkan rndu....haha...dlm byk manusia ana brani call....kwn bek ana la,, plg tk0t nk's a sad reality...nk msg p0nn pkir dua kali....(wlaupun kdang2 anta yg mrepek..huhu)......haha....anyway....cte la sket sal dream....

dlu I t0ld you that I dreamt of taking you t0 England n buying you a ticket to Old I dreamt b0ut taking to Italy....but s0mehow....I think that dream mixed up with my n I know that we're in the same place....but everytime I try to be ran...I called you t0 be at the C0lliseum...yet you turn off your ph0ne...haha...I w0ke up...n sadness s0mehow l0oms over me....but dreams are just dreams...
quite true...isn't it???

haha....I don't know why...but as University life gets nearer n nearer, you feel afraid....of l0sing your past that you l0ve,in my case my best friend....haha..but life just have t0 go 0n...the wheel needs to continue r0tating...if n0t you'll die.....
I wish I c0uld dream this....
0k la....en0ugh being sentimental now....what trying t0 say that s0metime time is the w0rst enemy that you have....but if you d0n't stay'll l0se....if I'm t0o afraid of l0sing her...maybe when I l0st her, the pain w0uld too excruciating....but if I get 0n with w0uld change....but what am I w0rrying b0ut...she already t0ld me....0NCE A FRIEND, ALWAYS A FRIEND.....s0 maybe dreams are dreams...if they're g0d ones...then pray that it will bec0me a reality...but if it's a bad get the picture....s0 appreciate what you have n l0ok forward....

p/s....haha...mybe I'm suffering makcik-phobic....haha...but I'll try t0 overcome it....if you wouldn't mind...hehe....^^

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