Assalamualaikum.....hahahaa long time no maklom pda smua ana dh jd budak U skang....msok asasi engineering di puncak alam....xpela mybe rezki ana di sni....redha jerr....
hurrmmm lma dh xtulis tp pe nk tulis ek....(hadehh mna bleh tulis dlm blog ceq ooi...)
sbuah khidupan bru bermula....
sbenarnya ana ingtkan hdup di skolah n kt U ni sma xdela gabra smacam tp hkikatnya teman2....huh ja0h bebenor...
teman2 yg dirahmati Allah kta kita renung kjap....di U ni mcm2 mnusia kita bleh tabligh, ad yg plak yg skejap serban...skejap hampehh....hurmm itula realiti hdup....masya-Allah....
Tetapkan hati....
Inallah ha ma'assobirin.....itu la yg dpt diungkapkan..."Allah bersama dgn mereka yg bersabar"....smua yg brlaku di sni adlah ujian Allah utk mnilai kkuatan hmbaNya....dlu kt skolah mgkin kta mmpu jga tsiqoh dri di sini...huh mcm2 ingt Allah xakan mmbebankan hambaNya dgn ujian yg dluar kmampuan hmba teman2 tetapkan hati kalian...xkn wktu s0lat jerr berserban....pstu ms0k klas...huh setan p0n tepuk tgn....haaaa....jgn jd bgitu....
Kuatkan hati....
whai insan....kuatkanlah dirimu...kerna ujian yg ad kt tmpat bru ni kdang2 plik sket n bleh mengt0khojotkan kita...huhu...jd kuatkanlah Iman...jgn sesekali kamu mngalah dgn ujian...kotla ttbe ad awek cun mnx kapel...tros tggal serban sume....gayut jerr...subhanallah jgn bgitu.....
jd s0wg yg matang.... stu msalah....xrmai yg benar2 phm konsep matang....kal0 mnurut Islam iaitu mreka yg tau bezakan baik n bruk n mngikotnya....teman2 yg msalah kt U nihh...knonnya rmai yg 'matang' tp hakikatnya....huhu...sumenye 'trlebih' matang....pergaulan lelaki perempuan xdjga....bers0sial tnpa kenal arti malu....hadehh...mcm2 kt U nihh....jd teman2...jd la matang dgn Ilmu agama...bkan matang bnatang...lg tua lg mnggtai....
jom mujahadah!!!!!....
teman2....marila kita sma2 mnguatkan diri kita...kerna jihad di alam U nihh...hbat...skali kita hnyut...beberapa ta0n brula kita kembali....haaa....kowg mau lgu tuhh???....teman2...ingatlah pada Allah....syg la pada Rasulullah....n mri brsama kita kuatkan azzam...utk mncpai mardhatillah...insyaallah^^
Monday, 16 July 2012
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Bius Jiwa.....
huh..lma jgak yekk ana xupdate entry bl0g....hurmmm....
memandangkan rmai yg m0urning mybe sbb dpt apa yg dy hrapkan or pape la.....s0 ana nk lift the spirit sket utk kwn2 yg m0urning nihh......
nape nihhh????.....
haha....bersdey???....kcewa????....gagal???.....hurmmm kegagalan adalah stu kjayaan....itulah kata fevret samurai ana!!! Miyamoto Musashi (yg dp ak kt fb tuhh...tu nma dy la..) sbb drpada kegagalan la kita akn mnjadi lbih brsemangat n lbih m0tivated n lbih 1st step adalah utk p0sitifkan dri kita dhulu....kita kne sdar la....s0 what r u crying bout? why not jdkan ia sbagai stepping st0ne utk kita dpt sesuatu yg lbih baik....
ujian jerr......
sperti yg di'entry' kan 0leh sahabat ana...tntang ayt dlm al quran......iaitu.......Allah tidak trunkan sesuatu ujian mlainkan ia sesuai dgn kmampuan hmba itu.....jeng3......sbb itu....teman2....kal0 ssuatu ujian tmpa...jgnla kita mlenting ataupun ykinkan dri....I CAN GET OVER THIS EASILY!!!!!....s0 kuatkan dri kita....n sntiasa hrapkan kekuatan drpada Allah....
yg lebih baik sdang mnanti.....
urmm....kita kne rnungkan al baqarah 216.....
haaaa......ini kita kne fkir.....ssuatu yg kita anggap baik bg kita...bl0m tntu bnar2 baik bg kita...YESS makcik ni la ayt fevret......dr dlu ayt nihh sgt cntik....kdang2 kita anggap mybe study luar negara adalah Allah lbih tau apa yg akn jd....kita mgkin akn tk0t....ataupun kita mgkin dtmpa msalah apabila prgi ke sna....s0 pkir la.....btapa Allah sygkan kita......
utk kwn2 ku.....
hurrmmm.....jgnla kuatlah iman n jgn mngalah....xsemstnya blaja di luar negara ak dijamin career.....or jmin kita jminan itu dtg dgn usaha kita......bnyak jgak d0ktor2 hbat.....graduate l0cal jerr.....n msih byk jgak penganggur yg graduate international......s0 yg pnting usaha yekk....ana p0n kne gak.....haha...chaiyok2!!!!....haha
memandangkan rmai yg m0urning mybe sbb dpt apa yg dy hrapkan or pape la.....s0 ana nk lift the spirit sket utk kwn2 yg m0urning nihh......
nape nihhh????.....
haha....bersdey???....kcewa????....gagal???.....hurmmm kegagalan adalah stu kjayaan....itulah kata fevret samurai ana!!! Miyamoto Musashi (yg dp ak kt fb tuhh...tu nma dy la..) sbb drpada kegagalan la kita akn mnjadi lbih brsemangat n lbih m0tivated n lbih 1st step adalah utk p0sitifkan dri kita dhulu....kita kne sdar la....s0 what r u crying bout? why not jdkan ia sbagai stepping st0ne utk kita dpt sesuatu yg lbih baik....
ujian jerr......
sperti yg di'entry' kan 0leh sahabat ana...tntang ayt dlm al quran......iaitu.......Allah tidak trunkan sesuatu ujian mlainkan ia sesuai dgn kmampuan hmba itu.....jeng3......sbb itu....teman2....kal0 ssuatu ujian tmpa...jgnla kita mlenting ataupun ykinkan dri....I CAN GET OVER THIS EASILY!!!!!....s0 kuatkan dri kita....n sntiasa hrapkan kekuatan drpada Allah....
yg lebih baik sdang mnanti.....
urmm....kita kne rnungkan al baqarah 216.....
haaaa......ini kita kne fkir.....ssuatu yg kita anggap baik bg kita...bl0m tntu bnar2 baik bg kita...YESS makcik ni la ayt fevret......dr dlu ayt nihh sgt cntik....kdang2 kita anggap mybe study luar negara adalah Allah lbih tau apa yg akn jd....kita mgkin akn tk0t....ataupun kita mgkin dtmpa msalah apabila prgi ke sna....s0 pkir la.....btapa Allah sygkan kita......
utk kwn2 ku.....
hurrmmm.....jgnla kuatlah iman n jgn mngalah....xsemstnya blaja di luar negara ak dijamin career.....or jmin kita jminan itu dtg dgn usaha kita......bnyak jgak d0ktor2 hbat.....graduate l0cal jerr.....n msih byk jgak penganggur yg graduate international......s0 yg pnting usaha yekk....ana p0n kne gak.....haha...chaiyok2!!!!....haha
Monday, 30 April 2012
teguran se0rang sahabat......
kawan A: ang ni asyk2 xsmayang jerr ak tgk.....jga diri2 baik2 tau....badan n apa yg kita ad ni sume milik Allah tau nnti mgkin Allah trik blik kal0 kita xtaat....
kawan B: weyy...ang nihh...xabih2 nk c0ndemn ak....blah la...mlas la ak nk dgr...
ni la situasi yg sring brlaku antara sesama sahabat.....iaitu MENEGUR....msti rmai yg bca dial0g nihh akn mrah pada Si B kerna mrah pada sahabatnya yg mnegur dy.....apatah lg tguran itu benar n mmbawa hkikatnya bgitulah diri kita dgn sahabat kita yg mnegur kita.....sedar xsedar kita sering mngeluh ktika kita dteg0r oleh rakan2 kita....ana tau sbb ana p0nn bgitu....huhu....s0 ana type entry ni sbagai pringatan kpd diri kita sume trmas0k yg type entry ni.......
apa itu teguran???....biasanya kenapa 0rg tegur???....teguran adalah nasihat dan nasihat adalah utk memperbetulkan kesalahan....s0 tegur adalah utk memberitahu bahawa apa yg kita lakukan itu adlah salah....s0 basically sume 0wg tau teguran itu xrmai yg sggup trima atau fkirkannya....ala eg0 manusia ni tggi....kdang2....syaitan p0nn klah..mcm Firaun dan Haman......teman2.....ktika sahabat kita tg0r...dlm hati kita terbit prasaan terasa dihina...ataupun kita malu dgn ksalahan kita....akhirnya kita mrah pda kwan kita yg mneg0r la kebiasaan yg kita xsdar bhawa perbuatan yg kita bwat itu salah....yg kita fikirkan ktika itu hnyalah eg0 kita shingga kita ketepikan persahabatan.......hummm......
nape kwn teg0r?????
ni stu s0alan yg sume 0wg tahu akn brapa rmai yg benar2 phm akan jawapannya...kwn kita teg0r kita kerana dy syg kn kita....dy ingin yg terbaik utk kita....sahabat kita teg0r spaya kita xmlakukan ksilapan....shabat kita tg0r kerana dy cherish persahabtan yg ad.....teman2....kal0 teman2 ad sahabat yg tg0r k0wg...maka bersyukurlah kpd Allah...kerna Allah tlah mngurniakan s0wg sahabat yg hbat n sgt mnyayangi teman2 skelian.....A friend in need is a friend indeed.....ayt ni mnyatakan bhawa sahabat yg sntiasa ad disisi adlah sahabat yg baik....mereka yg sggup brada walaupun kita mlakukan ksilapan.....itula s0wg sahabat...
terimalah teguran itu.....
teman2....terimalah tguran yg kita trima....kerana tguran2 ni akn mmbawa kebaikan kita....tguran2 ni are n0t meant t0 be ign0red....but they're meant to be revised.....teman2....syg la kwn2 teman2 skelian....Allah tlah mngurniakan sahabt yg baik kpd teman2.....Saidina Ali k.w.j mnyebut..."SOWG SAHABAT ADALAH MEREKA YG MNGEJUTMU KTIKA ENGKAU TDOR, YG MNGINGATKAN KAMU KTIKA KAMU LEKA....N MEREKA YG MENEGUR KAMU KTIKA KAMU TERSILAP".....
s0 teman2.....ego kita tdak akn mmbawa hnya akn bawa kburukan......sedarlah kita skang bhawa stiap tguran shabat2 kita adalah utk kebaikan kita....sm0ga persahabat kita sume kekal n slamat...insyaallah.....
p/s...t0 all my friends....I'm s0rry if I ever unleash my eg0 to all of you.....h0pe our friendship c0ntinues....^^
kawan B: weyy...ang nihh...xabih2 nk c0ndemn ak....blah la...mlas la ak nk dgr...
ni la situasi yg sring brlaku antara sesama sahabat.....iaitu MENEGUR....msti rmai yg bca dial0g nihh akn mrah pada Si B kerna mrah pada sahabatnya yg mnegur dy.....apatah lg tguran itu benar n mmbawa hkikatnya bgitulah diri kita dgn sahabat kita yg mnegur kita.....sedar xsedar kita sering mngeluh ktika kita dteg0r oleh rakan2 kita....ana tau sbb ana p0nn bgitu....huhu....s0 ana type entry ni sbagai pringatan kpd diri kita sume trmas0k yg type entry ni.......
apa itu teguran???....biasanya kenapa 0rg tegur???....teguran adalah nasihat dan nasihat adalah utk memperbetulkan kesalahan....s0 tegur adalah utk memberitahu bahawa apa yg kita lakukan itu adlah salah....s0 basically sume 0wg tau teguran itu xrmai yg sggup trima atau fkirkannya....ala eg0 manusia ni tggi....kdang2....syaitan p0nn klah..mcm Firaun dan Haman......teman2.....ktika sahabat kita tg0r...dlm hati kita terbit prasaan terasa dihina...ataupun kita malu dgn ksalahan kita....akhirnya kita mrah pda kwan kita yg mneg0r la kebiasaan yg kita xsdar bhawa perbuatan yg kita bwat itu salah....yg kita fikirkan ktika itu hnyalah eg0 kita shingga kita ketepikan persahabatan.......hummm......
nape kwn teg0r?????
ni stu s0alan yg sume 0wg tahu akn brapa rmai yg benar2 phm akan jawapannya...kwn kita teg0r kita kerana dy syg kn kita....dy ingin yg terbaik utk kita....sahabat kita teg0r spaya kita xmlakukan ksilapan....shabat kita tg0r kerana dy cherish persahabtan yg ad.....teman2....kal0 teman2 ad sahabat yg tg0r k0wg...maka bersyukurlah kpd Allah...kerna Allah tlah mngurniakan s0wg sahabat yg hbat n sgt mnyayangi teman2 skelian.....A friend in need is a friend indeed.....ayt ni mnyatakan bhawa sahabat yg sntiasa ad disisi adlah sahabat yg baik....mereka yg sggup brada walaupun kita mlakukan ksilapan.....itula s0wg sahabat...
terimalah teguran itu.....
teman2....terimalah tguran yg kita trima....kerana tguran2 ni akn mmbawa kebaikan kita....tguran2 ni are n0t meant t0 be ign0red....but they're meant to be revised.....teman2....syg la kwn2 teman2 skelian....Allah tlah mngurniakan sahabt yg baik kpd teman2.....Saidina Ali k.w.j mnyebut..."SOWG SAHABAT ADALAH MEREKA YG MNGEJUTMU KTIKA ENGKAU TDOR, YG MNGINGATKAN KAMU KTIKA KAMU LEKA....N MEREKA YG MENEGUR KAMU KTIKA KAMU TERSILAP".....
sggup ke tggalkan bff...hnya kerana eg0??? |
p/s...t0 all my friends....I'm s0rry if I ever unleash my eg0 to all of you.....h0pe our friendship c0ntinues....^^
Friday, 27 April 2012
4:54AM thoughts.....
maybe it's n0thing and maybe it's s0mething......s0mehow today I just want to ask a little easy question to all you f0lks out there.....IS IT HARD TO DO THE RIGHT THING?????.....
haha.....for some it's quite an uneasy questi0ns....and fr s0me it's just an0ther slick question....but all in all....we must answer......
- if you answered NO.......
- if you answered YES....
THE ANSWER????.....
hahaha....I might phil0sophycal or corky as you might put it.....but the true answer lies within ourselves...of c0urse.....for preachers and ustaz....they w0uld enc0urage us to do the right thing and it's easy....but from experience with many kind of pe0ple....the answer is all within you....because it's your right....yeah your 0wn right....t0 govern yourself in d0ing whatever you want....but remember this....s0oner rather than'll find your verdict of the acti0n that y0u've d0ne.....but simply d0 the right thing that you pleased t0 do....d0 what you think is right....and be sensible in your acti0ns.....and be rati0nal.....0f course....and please..think 0f others bef0re you do s0mehthing.......IT'S N0T EASY NOR HARD TO DO THE RIGHT THING....BUT IT'S ALL UP TO YOU.....
s0??? |
Saturday, 14 April 2012
haha....I'm bursting in laughter n happiness t0day!!!!....s0mehow I just have t0 accept that MAMAT2 MATA SEPET DAH MENANG!!!....menang pe ek???....haaaa...t0day I'll tell you all a little b0ut my pers0nal music mmg reality yg trbuku dlm hati....jeng3.....but 0nly top 10 jerrr ana buh..
Amir's Music Chart....
10---->Pixie Lott ft GD n TOP Dancing on my 0wn....
9------>Eagle Hotel California
8-----> Tommy Page A Shoulder to Cry on
7----->Johnny Horton The Battle Of New Orleans
6---->Don Mclean Vincent
5---->Plain white T's 1234
4----> Eminem mocking bird
3----->Eminem when I'm gone
2----->THE BEATLES ALBUM......(sume lgu la...haha)
1----->BIGBANG BLUE.....
haaaa.....th0se who knew me...mmg t0khojot nk mmpuih la.....haha...but these are all my fav0urite s0ng!!....n fyi the #1 s0ng climbed the ladder like hell....iyela...let me tell you a little st0ry bout the #1 song....
it all started with Athira (dy lg...hadehh)...ala spe lg nk pr0mote bigbang nihh...haha....but the first time she p0st the video on my wall..I didn't watch it thoroughly la....just watch2 ayam 0ne day she t0ld me to watch the MTV sh0w bout BIGBANG comeback c0ncert...s0 I watch...n at the last struck me!!!! feels like the rain has g0ne away n rainb0ws filled my heart...(haha...metaph0ric sket..)...but really....I was dumbf0unded...haha...n ran t0 my ph0ne....tr0s msg T0K GURU BIGBANG....lgu pe tuhh???...n mula la my l0ve story (haha...0k2 sorry 0ver sgt...but hey...nk wt cm mne) mmg bt0l la it's bec0ming my fav0urite s0ng...I d0n't kn0w why....hadehh...
n the list d0esn't include nasyids n lgu2 melayu....sbb s0mehow I d0n't feel c0mfortable...with making charts that includes's quite disturbing....n n0t the right thing t0 do la...haha...anyway...these are the s0ngs...n the #1 s0ng really deserves it place up there....
anyway....KUDOS to bigbang 4 giving us this nice s0ng...n of course winning the AMC...haha....n thanx t0 tok guru Amira for intr0ducing me to this w0rld....n thanx for all of you reading this.....n thanx I Tune 4 offering the best music inf0...(haha...mcm advertising lak...)....s0 h0pe you enj0y yhe s0ng....
Amir's Music Chart....
10---->Pixie Lott ft GD n TOP Dancing on my 0wn....
9------>Eagle Hotel California
8-----> Tommy Page A Shoulder to Cry on
7----->Johnny Horton The Battle Of New Orleans
6---->Don Mclean Vincent
5---->Plain white T's 1234
4----> Eminem mocking bird
3----->Eminem when I'm gone
2----->THE BEATLES ALBUM......(sume lgu la...haha)
1----->BIGBANG BLUE.....
haaaa.....th0se who knew me...mmg t0khojot nk mmpuih la.....haha...but these are all my fav0urite s0ng!!....n fyi the #1 s0ng climbed the ladder like hell....iyela...let me tell you a little st0ry bout the #1 song....
it all started with Athira (dy lg...hadehh)...ala spe lg nk pr0mote bigbang nihh...haha....but the first time she p0st the video on my wall..I didn't watch it thoroughly la....just watch2 ayam 0ne day she t0ld me to watch the MTV sh0w bout BIGBANG comeback c0ncert...s0 I watch...n at the last struck me!!!! feels like the rain has g0ne away n rainb0ws filled my heart...(haha...metaph0ric sket..)...but really....I was dumbf0unded...haha...n ran t0 my ph0ne....tr0s msg T0K GURU BIGBANG....lgu pe tuhh???...n mula la my l0ve story (haha...0k2 sorry 0ver sgt...but hey...nk wt cm mne) mmg bt0l la it's bec0ming my fav0urite s0ng...I d0n't kn0w why....hadehh...
n the list d0esn't include nasyids n lgu2 melayu....sbb s0mehow I d0n't feel c0mfortable...with making charts that includes's quite disturbing....n n0t the right thing t0 do la...haha...anyway...these are the s0ngs...n the #1 s0ng really deserves it place up there....
asenye ni la c0ver album....tk0t jgak...haha |
Friday, 13 April 2012
haha....this is a little intriguing st0ry of my sleep.......
s0me pe0ple say that dreams are s0metime reflecti0n of what you feel bef0re you go to sleep.....if you feel afraid bef0re sleeping,,then nightmares will certainly haunt you....if you feel will dream b0ut the ones you l0st or the things that make you sad......if you l0nging for s0meone...then you'll dream of that s0meone....these words that I gathered is an excuse or reas0ns for what I have dreamt....
I'm a sentimental guy....ntahla....hahaha...but it's true th0ugh....s0metimes cpat sgt ana trasa.....mybe because I have a s0ft heart...(mcm cgu zaleha ckp la...huhu)....but when I feel cl0se to's hard for me to forget...(my best knew it...huhu)....maybe I'll stay l0nging....but I'm afraid utk ubatkan rndu......because I d0n't know why mmg tk0t...utk ubatkan rndu....haha...dlm byk manusia ana brani call....kwn bek ana la,, plg tk0t nk's a sad reality...nk msg p0nn pkir dua kali....(wlaupun kdang2 anta yg mrepek..huhu)......haha....anyway....cte la sket sal dream....
dlu I t0ld you that I dreamt of taking you t0 England n buying you a ticket to Old I dreamt b0ut taking to Italy....but s0mehow....I think that dream mixed up with my n I know that we're in the same place....but everytime I try to be ran...I called you t0 be at the C0lliseum...yet you turn off your ph0ne...haha...I w0ke up...n sadness s0mehow l0oms over me....but dreams are just dreams...
haha....I don't know why...but as University life gets nearer n nearer, you feel afraid....of l0sing your past that you l0ve,in my case my best friend....haha..but life just have t0 go 0n...the wheel needs to continue r0tating...if n0t you'll die.....
0k la....en0ugh being sentimental now....what trying t0 say that s0metime time is the w0rst enemy that you have....but if you d0n't stay'll l0se....if I'm t0o afraid of l0sing her...maybe when I l0st her, the pain w0uld too excruciating....but if I get 0n with w0uld change....but what am I w0rrying b0ut...she already t0ld me....0NCE A FRIEND, ALWAYS A FRIEND.....s0 maybe dreams are dreams...if they're g0d ones...then pray that it will bec0me a reality...but if it's a bad get the picture....s0 appreciate what you have n l0ok forward....
p/s....haha...mybe I'm suffering makcik-phobic....haha...but I'll try t0 overcome it....if you wouldn't mind...hehe....^^
s0me pe0ple say that dreams are s0metime reflecti0n of what you feel bef0re you go to sleep.....if you feel afraid bef0re sleeping,,then nightmares will certainly haunt you....if you feel will dream b0ut the ones you l0st or the things that make you sad......if you l0nging for s0meone...then you'll dream of that s0meone....these words that I gathered is an excuse or reas0ns for what I have dreamt....
I'm a sentimental guy....ntahla....hahaha...but it's true th0ugh....s0metimes cpat sgt ana trasa.....mybe because I have a s0ft heart...(mcm cgu zaleha ckp la...huhu)....but when I feel cl0se to's hard for me to forget...(my best knew it...huhu)....maybe I'll stay l0nging....but I'm afraid utk ubatkan rndu......because I d0n't know why mmg tk0t...utk ubatkan rndu....haha...dlm byk manusia ana brani call....kwn bek ana la,, plg tk0t nk's a sad reality...nk msg p0nn pkir dua kali....(wlaupun kdang2 anta yg mrepek..huhu)......haha....anyway....cte la sket sal dream....
dlu I t0ld you that I dreamt of taking you t0 England n buying you a ticket to Old I dreamt b0ut taking to Italy....but s0mehow....I think that dream mixed up with my n I know that we're in the same place....but everytime I try to be ran...I called you t0 be at the C0lliseum...yet you turn off your ph0ne...haha...I w0ke up...n sadness s0mehow l0oms over me....but dreams are just dreams...
quite true...isn't it??? |
haha....I don't know why...but as University life gets nearer n nearer, you feel afraid....of l0sing your past that you l0ve,in my case my best friend....haha..but life just have t0 go 0n...the wheel needs to continue r0tating...if n0t you'll die.....
I wish I c0uld dream this.... |
p/s....haha...mybe I'm suffering makcik-phobic....haha...but I'll try t0 overcome it....if you wouldn't mind...hehe....^^
Thursday, 12 April 2012
a CHANGE of taste....
0k....4 many 0f you....this might be a little t0o much...haha...but really I think I'm falling in l0ve with this s0ng....I mean the s0ng la...n0t the singers...haha...I d0n't know why but this s0ng someh0w is quite special....c0mpared t0 any 0ther k0rean s0ngs....them, I need translati0ns...but n0t this...s0mehow even without the translati0ns I c0uld understand and s0mehow feel it..haha....weird isn't it??...but maybe when y0u love something...your heart will translate it all by itself.....
here are the english la...haha....
The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing
(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh
Under the same sky, at different places
Because you and I are dangerous
I am leaving you
One letter difference from ‘nim’^
It’s cowardly but I’m hiding because I’m not good enough
Cruel breakup is like the end of the road of love
No words can comfort me
Perhaps my lifetime’s last melodrama
Now its final curtain is coming down
I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even with my eyes closed, I can’t feel you
The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing
(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh
I feel like my heart has stopped beating
You and I, frozen there, after a war
Trauma, that has been carved in my head
Once these tears dry up, I will moistly remember my love
I’m neither painful nor lonely
Happiness is all self-talk
I can’t stand something more complicated
It’s no big deal, I don’t care
Inevitable wandering, people come and go
I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even if you have left, I’m still here
The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing
Again tonight, underneath that blue moonlight
I will probably fall asleep alone
Even in my dreams, I look for you
And wander around while singing this song
(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh (x2
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing
(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh
Under the same sky, at different places
Because you and I are dangerous
I am leaving you
One letter difference from ‘nim’^
It’s cowardly but I’m hiding because I’m not good enough
Cruel breakup is like the end of the road of love
No words can comfort me
Perhaps my lifetime’s last melodrama
Now its final curtain is coming down
I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even with my eyes closed, I can’t feel you
The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing
(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh
I feel like my heart has stopped beating
You and I, frozen there, after a war
Trauma, that has been carved in my head
Once these tears dry up, I will moistly remember my love
I’m neither painful nor lonely
Happiness is all self-talk
I can’t stand something more complicated
It’s no big deal, I don’t care
Inevitable wandering, people come and go
I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even if you have left, I’m still here
The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing
Again tonight, underneath that blue moonlight
I will probably fall asleep alone
Even in my dreams, I look for you
And wander around while singing this song
(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh (x2
haha....maybe if you can decipher the s0ng....maybe you c0uld understand why I've felt s0 cl0se to this song....hurrmm...n maybe you c0uld say s0mething bout the s0ng...if you have the time that is....anyway...0k la....maybe I'm changing a bit....(I've start being addicted t0 channel S n KBSW...0wh n music t0o...hadehh) but it's actually fun t0 change fr0m your 0ld unf0rgiving self...t0 a much lighter and flexible....that's what Islam is all b0ut....
p/s haha...sometimes I l0ok back t0 my old self....and th0ught...w0w!!...I missed s0 many things..haha...but anyway....if the change is disturbing you (ang la makcik.huhu) do tell me....tk0t2 ana lupa plak...hampehh...and t0 MY koReAn friend....thanx...haha
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
my first full Korean drama....haha
I kn0w!!! I getting K0rean addicted???'s just 0ne of those things that you just can't explain....but s0mehow...everyday I would tune 393 and see any drama....just n0w I watched MTV b0ut BIGBANG comeback sh0w....(haha...slepas thira hbaq tune t0 it...haha)...and I watched it eventhough it was Andrew Zimmern time...haha....actually this entry is b0ut my first full length k0rean drama...haha...I think the m0st l0ngest epis0des I've watched is BRAINS....and it's one 0f my favourite show....allth0ugh I couldn't watch the full length...(anyone??? me please gimme s0me links...huhu)
but that's not t0day's st0ry....t0day it's b0ut a very R0SY story....yes you read it's r0sy n I have t0 say it t0uch my feminine side...(i mean my sentimental side...huhu)'s a 20 episode st0ry that g0es around a pil0t, Kim Yoon Sung who falls in l0ve with his c0-pilot Han Da's a twisting st0ry with tragedies that primarily link with the flight business.....'s a cute st0ry...I mean really..haha...0k so one day Kim Y0on Sung was involve with an accident that killed Han Da Jin's m0ther....and it really hurts her...and the c0mpany's b0ard especially the chairman's daughter, Hong Mi Joo...whom actually l0ve him t0o....Mi Joo was planning to oust Yoon Sung and Da Jin because she was jeal0us and hurt....s0 everything was quite h0rrendous....Yoon Sung have to give up his favourite career while Da Jin was hurt to know the truth b0ut Yoon Sung and the fact that Mi Joo wanted to oust her....and then Da Jin look for comfort in the form of her friend (whom also l0ves her..) Kang Dong Soo...Dong Soo was Yoon Sung best friend and s0 Dong Soo kn0ws how hurt Yoon Sung he f0rget b0ut his l0ve towards her so that Yoon Sung could be with her....haha I kn0w it's quite pening kal0 nk clearer tgk la sndiri...haha
anyway the r0sy part was the ending (I watched it at 4.00 am again..haha during the chelsea game..) was just s0 Dong Soo forget his l0ve so that Y00n Sung c0uld be with her....and s0mehow Da Jin realizes that she couldn't f0rsake the past...bec0z it had already passed...she realizes that she l0ves him...and s0 you get the p0int......nsib bek la wktu tu xde 0wg...haha...smpat la trik tisu....haha...ala real man cry you know!!!.....haha...but it's really is a great st0ry....n I h0pe you'll l0ve it t00....insyaallah...haha...
n0w I understand why girls s0mehow l0ve to watch k0rean dramas...but remember!!!...jgn tgk jerr...tgk n hayati.....haha.... n inf0rmative... |
Kim Yoon Sung n Han Da Jin |
anyway the r0sy part was the ending (I watched it at 4.00 am again..haha during the chelsea game..) was just s0 Dong Soo forget his l0ve so that Y00n Sung c0uld be with her....and s0mehow Da Jin realizes that she couldn't f0rsake the past...bec0z it had already passed...she realizes that she l0ves him...and s0 you get the p0int......nsib bek la wktu tu xde 0wg...haha...smpat la trik tisu....haha...ala real man cry you know!!!.....haha...but it's really is a great st0ry....n I h0pe you'll l0ve it t00....insyaallah...haha...
haaa... |
Sunday, 8 April 2012
MY koReAn friend.....
here's a little st0ry la.....haha....I w0nder h0w and why suddenly she p0ps up and p0sted k0rean vide0s...bigbang t0 be exact....haha....but at first I just ign0red and like la....haha(swey yekkk...xde msa la..haha)...but then after s0metime....I felt guilty.because I saw her enthusiasm towards this music...and the eff0rt to p0st at my wall all this vide0s....s0 I watch la.....and the first s0ng I watched...caught my attenti0n...and suddenly I've spent a few h0urs watching all the bigbang vide0s she p0st on my wall....and even g0 to her pr0file t0 view s0me 0f the vide0s....because my lappy is a bit sl0w when br0wsing through youtube....
haha...anyway....last night s0mehow I w0ke up at 4 in the m0rning....came d0wn stairs...and suddenly I've the urge t0 watch channel S....(ala 393 tuhh..haha)...and watched running man....hahaha....epis0de 62...that was a miracle...haha...but s0mehow I missed the Lazio VS Napoli game....and Zarag0za VS Barca.....just t0 watch an hour of BIGBANG VS RUNNING MAN...actually I've watched the series and quite f0nd of it...haha.....but this time it was different....because maybe I want t0 show my appreciati0n t0wards my k0rean friend....haha....s0 I spent an hour and watched....and I was laughing happily at 4 in the m0rning...haha......
hadehh....they're really are funny and wacky.... |
1)because I d0n't kn0w what address them.....
2)because I d0n't know what t0 say...
3)because I d0n't want to hurt them....(eventhough I had...huhu)'s some last w0rd....thanx 4 giving me a new perspective.....and thanx 4 intr0ducing t0 a new exciting w0rld....haha.....
haha....I'm fighting a l0sing battle... |
p/s.....weyy I've mem0rise their names fr0m last night sh0w....ak xcek intrnet p0n tau....tgk arr....
dy ad G-Dragon, Seungri, Daesung, Taeyang and T.O.P (somehow I lke TOP...mybe bec0z he's quiet....lke me....haha...)....thanx Amirathira h0ii....haha....
Friday, 6 April 2012
FriDay MaSs
hahaha....t0day is my l0cal her0's turns as the khatib!!!....(l0cal sungai ara b0y!!!...:drumr0ll please...Dr Danial Zainal Abidin!!!)
Ali Imran:85.......
"setiap yg bernyawa psti akn mati. dan hanya pda hari kiamat sajalah dberikan dgn smpurna blasan kamu. barangsiapa dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga, dia memper0leh kemenangan..Kehidupan hnyalah kesenangan yg mmperdaya"
fr0m the passage ab0ve...(if u d0n't understand just search 4 the surah la...)......the first thing we see in the the w0rd...those living shall die.....this is true....there is n0 such thing as immortality....pe0ple will c0nsequently die...when the time c0mes...s0 that's why the ultimate success in life isn't during 0ur lifetime...but it is determined in 0ur death.....or as the dr put it....sukses yg sbenar bukanlah di dunia sprti cmerlang spm 0r dpt gaji RM 100000 adlah kselamatan di akhirat...sperti ayt yg dsbut td.....
And then the is only full 0f trickery....jeng3....haha...this is true...because the w0rld is just full 0f evil thing lurking ar0und every corner....s0me are s0 explicit that you can tell...but s0me are s0 hidden that you can easily fall prey t0 it....s0 someh0w we have t0 be aware..h0w??...with faith and cl0seness t0 Allah....bceause....Allahumaalas0birin....Allah is with th0se wh0 are Sabar/patience/faithful.....
the present reality....
n0w...pe0ple are t0o smart t0 believe 0r have faith...they regard what they d0 on earth will n0t be judged....shingga thap mreka xtk0t akn blasan neraka.....kita mkin angkuh...n kita rsa diri hbat...shingga kita xpduli akn Allah....sbgai cnt0h..rsuah....kita anggap bhawa kita xtrtgkap mka kita hbat n kita xtau bhawa Allah sdang mlihat mlah slagi kta xbrtaubat...maka Allah udah sdiakan tmpat utk kita diazab....bgitu jgak dgn cacian....kita caci 0rg, kta aibkan 0wg...kita glar 0wg itu mcm2..dn para pny0kong tpuk tgn ktika cacian dan aib dibuka....sdarkah kta bhawa Allah sdang mlihat...malaikat sdang mncatat....dan dri sdang dnilai.....this is the pr0blem with us....we are t0o engulf with wealth and pride...that we f0rgot that we are only a servant 0f Allah.....
our true aim....
Az Zariyaat:56
"tidak Aku menciptakan jin dan manusia mlainkan utk mnyembah Aku"
abdilah diri kita kpd Allah...buatlah apa yg Allah sruh dan tggallah apa yg Dia lrang....jgnla kita angkuh dgn apa yg kta ad di dunia...sijil straight A, kreta Mercedes, glaran YB or dat0', harta xhbis tjuh kturunan....kerna ingatlah...the ultimate in life is t0 be cl0se to Allah...and t0 avoid damnati0n in hell...nauzubillah....
have a nice friday every0ne!!!!..... :-)
haa...2 mggu skali dr dtg... |
"setiap yg bernyawa psti akn mati. dan hanya pda hari kiamat sajalah dberikan dgn smpurna blasan kamu. barangsiapa dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga, dia memper0leh kemenangan..Kehidupan hnyalah kesenangan yg mmperdaya"
fr0m the passage ab0ve...(if u d0n't understand just search 4 the surah la...)......the first thing we see in the the w0rd...those living shall die.....this is true....there is n0 such thing as immortality....pe0ple will c0nsequently die...when the time c0mes...s0 that's why the ultimate success in life isn't during 0ur lifetime...but it is determined in 0ur death.....or as the dr put it....sukses yg sbenar bukanlah di dunia sprti cmerlang spm 0r dpt gaji RM 100000 adlah kselamatan di akhirat...sperti ayt yg dsbut td.....
And then the is only full 0f trickery....jeng3....haha...this is true...because the w0rld is just full 0f evil thing lurking ar0und every corner....s0me are s0 explicit that you can tell...but s0me are s0 hidden that you can easily fall prey t0 it....s0 someh0w we have t0 be aware..h0w??...with faith and cl0seness t0 Allah....bceause....Allahumaalas0birin....Allah is with th0se wh0 are Sabar/patience/faithful.....
the present reality....
n0w...pe0ple are t0o smart t0 believe 0r have faith...they regard what they d0 on earth will n0t be judged....shingga thap mreka xtk0t akn blasan neraka.....kita mkin angkuh...n kita rsa diri hbat...shingga kita xpduli akn Allah....sbgai cnt0h..rsuah....kita anggap bhawa kita xtrtgkap mka kita hbat n kita xtau bhawa Allah sdang mlihat mlah slagi kta xbrtaubat...maka Allah udah sdiakan tmpat utk kita diazab....bgitu jgak dgn cacian....kita caci 0rg, kta aibkan 0wg...kita glar 0wg itu mcm2..dn para pny0kong tpuk tgn ktika cacian dan aib dibuka....sdarkah kta bhawa Allah sdang mlihat...malaikat sdang mncatat....dan dri sdang dnilai.....this is the pr0blem with us....we are t0o engulf with wealth and pride...that we f0rgot that we are only a servant 0f Allah.....
our true aim....
Az Zariyaat:56
"tidak Aku menciptakan jin dan manusia mlainkan utk mnyembah Aku"
the true purp0se.. |
have a nice friday every0ne!!!!..... :-)
Thursday, 5 April 2012
a shoulder t0 cry on
hurmm...this s0ng...
maybe it's unc0mparable t0 many I'm a evergreen kind 0f guy...s0 oldies and sentimentals are my favourite genre....haha...and considering my friend Athira trying t0 expose t0wards bigbang or korea la...I quietly enj0y some of their thanx thira 0ii...haha....anyway..4 this song....this is a heart warming s0ng actually....the rhythm makes you s0meh0w felt emoti0nal...haha...but it als0 give a great feeling and a sense of appreciation t0wards what you have...especially your friends...btw...sorry 4 the lenc0ngan...haha...I supp0se to write b0ut the related bl0gs...but maybe I slid in a few events...ala sume 0wg wt cm tu kn...bl0gs bec0ming on9 diaries.....
here's the lyric.....
Life is full of lots of up and downs,
And the distance feels further when you're headed for the ground,
And there is nothing more painful than to let you're feelings take
you down,
It's so hard to know the way you feel inside,
When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide,
But you might feel better if you let me walk with you
by your side,
And when you need a shoulder to cry on,
When you need a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
You won't be alone, cause I'll be there,
I'll be your shoulder to cry on,
I'll be there,
I'll be a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
you won't be alone, cause I'll be there.
All of the times when everything is wrong
And you're feeling like
There's no use going on
You can't give it up
I hope you work it out and carry on
Side by side,
With you till the end
I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand
no matter what is said or done
our love will always continue on
Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on
everyone needs a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
you won't be alone cause
I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there
I'll be the one you rely on
when the whole world's gone
you won't be alone
cause I'll be there!
And when the whole world is gone
You'll always have my shoulder to cry on....
it's quite extraordinary...the w0rds la...s0mehow words can suddenly t0uch your heart that even when 0thers couldn't....s0 this s0ng maybe 0ld..but d0n't l0ok at the mel0dy, or the release date, or the age 0f the singer n0w...but l0ok int0 the really means a l0t....
here's a glimpse 0f tommy page...
haaa...believe it!!!... |
t0 my best kn0w I'll always appreciates you and always will be...and 0f course I'm very thankful that you always here with me...I h0pe I can be with you lak...and t0 all you f0lks out there.....appreciates the friendship that you have.......
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Malaysia: A f0otball mad nati0n???
haaa....this is a little s0mething 4 all you f0otie fans out there.....mcm ana.....
hurrmm....tr0ubles l0oming l0cal fo0tball....
as usual 0ur f0otball is crumbling bit by bit.....just a few m0nth earlier we were celebrating a triumphant defend 0f the SEA games g0ld medal....and suddenly as the new league seas0n starts....every0ne starts t0 lose their c0ol....suddenly match fixing scandal emerges, unsp0rting behavior starts t0 sh0w itself...and the highest of highest.....the 0utspoken FAM vice president....jeng3....
I believe all this happens because s0mehow everyone have high expectati0ns towards the nati0nal team...t0o high that is...every0ne thought maybe we can g0 all the way....and miracul0usly qualify 4 the w0rld cup let al0ne qualificati0n 4 the olympic games....but this high expectati0n is 0nly b0asted as a fantasy and 0f course wt2 pndai....mkl0mla high 0fficials they tend t0 think they are the 0nes who dictate those XI.......and this had cause pr0blems....especially t0wards devel0pment of f0otball....
what had we d0ne??..all this pr0blem causes pr0fesionalism in f0otball to deteriorate and everything f0llows...youth devel0pment and s0's a frustrating m0ment....t0 lo0k int0 the back pages and see the malaysian f0otball n0t even being highlighted unless c0ntroversies l0oms.....this is a disgrace especially as a f0otball fans....
the real culprits???
hurmm...this is a sensitive part....determining who's the culprit...I take the Penang FA for's been a l0ng time since Penang have her rightful place on the summit of malaysian f0otball...but CORRUPTION and mismanagement cause the team dearly.....hurmmm....everything went d0wn in the drain with Penang...and the s0le Island representative in the league is USM FC...which supprisingly quite g0od...I mean better than Penang....but all this happen because CORRUPTION...yes!!...the highlighted w0rd is the culprit....s0mehow f0otball is bec0ming a business and people sell's just t0o frustrating because many FA's are g0vern by p0liticians....they have n0 respect t0wards the game.....this is a disgrace because s0mehow they p0lluted f0otball with their m0ney and all....
I just think that we need better pe0ple to run the game....we need spirit and enj0yment....we need players that with their heart not the RM.....we need the nati0nal team t0 be advent0rous and brave...we need an FA..that will d0 and w0rk t0 promote the game....t0 increase the quality of the game....yes! we have impr0ve a l0t...but based 0n the p0ols of talent that we have...I believe we can g0 further....but remember...let it be step by step....
so 4 my last h0pe!!!!.....majulah sukan utk MALAYSIA!!!!....
(maap yekk makcik..nk wt cm mne..ak f0otball FANatics...)
hurrmm....tr0ubles l0oming l0cal fo0tball....
as usual 0ur f0otball is crumbling bit by bit.....just a few m0nth earlier we were celebrating a triumphant defend 0f the SEA games g0ld medal....and suddenly as the new league seas0n starts....every0ne starts t0 lose their c0ol....suddenly match fixing scandal emerges, unsp0rting behavior starts t0 sh0w itself...and the highest of highest.....the 0utspoken FAM vice president....jeng3....
euph0ria n pride..... |
I believe all this happens because s0mehow everyone have high expectati0ns towards the nati0nal team...t0o high that is...every0ne thought maybe we can g0 all the way....and miracul0usly qualify 4 the w0rld cup let al0ne qualificati0n 4 the olympic games....but this high expectati0n is 0nly b0asted as a fantasy and 0f course wt2 pndai....mkl0mla high 0fficials they tend t0 think they are the 0nes who dictate those XI.......and this had cause pr0blems....especially t0wards devel0pment of f0otball....
proud m0ment isn't it??? |
what had we d0ne??..all this pr0blem causes pr0fesionalism in f0otball to deteriorate and everything f0llows...youth devel0pment and s0's a frustrating m0ment....t0 lo0k int0 the back pages and see the malaysian f0otball n0t even being highlighted unless c0ntroversies l0oms.....this is a disgrace especially as a f0otball fans....
the real culprits???
hurmm...this is a sensitive part....determining who's the culprit...I take the Penang FA for's been a l0ng time since Penang have her rightful place on the summit of malaysian f0otball...but CORRUPTION and mismanagement cause the team dearly.....hurmmm....everything went d0wn in the drain with Penang...and the s0le Island representative in the league is USM FC...which supprisingly quite g0od...I mean better than Penang....but all this happen because CORRUPTION...yes!!...the highlighted w0rd is the culprit....s0mehow f0otball is bec0ming a business and people sell's just t0o frustrating because many FA's are g0vern by p0liticians....they have n0 respect t0wards the game.....this is a disgrace because s0mehow they p0lluted f0otball with their m0ney and all....
I think many felt like this..... |
I just think that we need better pe0ple to run the game....we need spirit and enj0yment....we need players that with their heart not the RM.....we need the nati0nal team t0 be advent0rous and brave...we need an FA..that will d0 and w0rk t0 promote the game....t0 increase the quality of the game....yes! we have impr0ve a l0t...but based 0n the p0ols of talent that we have...I believe we can g0 further....but remember...let it be step by step....
so 4 my last h0pe!!!!.....majulah sukan utk MALAYSIA!!!!....
(maap yekk makcik..nk wt cm mne..ak f0otball FANatics...)
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
where's the l0ve....
what is happening in 0ur world??........
fyi the earth is sup0sably the 0nly habitable place f0r us human....but what are we d0ing??...we are destr0ying 0ur 0wn home day by day because 0f our selfishness and sense 0f pride....we w0uld rather kill and fill the w0rld with hatred because we d0n't want any 0pp0sitions t0 our beliefs.....
the day we arrive....
fr0m the quran.....the universe was made through a huge BANG...and planets was f0rmed....0r scientist calls it the BIGBANG the0ry.....and then Allah created man 0r specifically Adam a.s and thus the question arise "why are we here?" is stated clearly in the quran that th0se bef0re us had cause destructi0n 0n earth and s0 Allah created us t0 bec0me the caliph or leader 0n earth.....
m0dern caliph.....
we all kn0w the purp0se of our which t0 bring pr0sper and harm0ny t0 earth....but what is happening n0w...we dis0beyed Allah's law and f0llowed our 0wn feelings and em0tions....and finally hatred, death, cruelty spreads ar0und the gl0be like wild fire.....we s0 called civilized pe0ple c0uldn't st0p the killing and even regard it as a s0lution.....we kill inn0cents in the name 0f jihad.....we kill inn0cents in the name of Allah....this is n0t what Islam teaches and of c0urse this is n0t what Allah wanted....
s0ciety in malaysia.....
maybe we d0n't have harsh life like th0se living B0snia, africa 0r the middle east....but what we are facing here is an epidemic 0f hed0nism, free sex and fall 0f m0ral values.....these are remedy that will cause cha0s and the fall 0f humane values.....we malays especially....we can 0nly talk, write, p0st and s0 on....but the pr0blem still l0oms in explicit ways....the malay culture is ab0ut ethics and moral c0de....but the M0DERN AND 'SMART' malays they tend t0 forget these values and adapt the much liberal values 0f the west....the d0wnfall 0f our s0ciety is n0t to be blamed t0wards evil cults...such as illuminati 0r other bullshit...but it's 0f our 0wn fault.....
the next generati0n.....
as a y0uth...we will inherit the w0rld and all its wealth and all its pr0blems....but at the start 0f the transiti0ns...we had already sh0wed glitches....we must be aware 0f what is happening....we must start t0 think b0ut our life and st0p being s0mething we're's time t0's time t0 become m0re mature and it's time t0 bec0me a leader.....
haha...4 all th0se f0lks out there....hear me as I say we need t0 change 4 the better.....we need t0 be s0mething that we are n0t what we aren't...s0 dear youth it's time t0 be m0re civilized and bring back the l0ve.....
Friday, 30 March 2012
where are you???
you p0st happy n exciting entries and p0sts...
while I'm stuck in many unhappy th0ughts....
you laugh and felt 0verjoyed.....
while I'm under a gl0omy cloud...
but 0ne thing 4 sure....
I sent...
You ign0red....
hurmm 0h...hell0 there...w0ndering why everything is gl0omy???....hahaha...
firstly my new friend just dumped me...hurmm...gl0omy isn't it...haha...I d0n't kn0w maybe I'm s0 stupid t0o believe that every0ne are nice I'm n0t the type 0f guys...wh0's mach0-dness overshad0ws his feelings...0r eg0istic that is...I'm quite naive when it c0mes to life..hahaha..(maybe bec0z I d0n't watch KOREAN or tv3 dramas..hurmm).....but I try...haha...and as my BEST FRIEND said that one day my stupidity will make me suffer...(ni tym kt KL tuhh...kal0 ang lupa...)....he f0und his 0ld friends back while I l0st mine...he's the last 0utsider I can truly trust....but I d0n't know...hurmm...
maybe this entry is ab0ut sadness and rem0rse....(while hers are all b0ut happiness and bla bla bla...huhu)...maybe I'm 'bajet' 0r something....but inside it really hurts....It felt like I've been left 0ut....all al0ne with n0body else....maybe he just d0esn't want t0 l0ok int0 problems anym0re...but why you just can't say anything???...I wr0te this with a deep sense 0f rem0rse, guilty, sad and a bit 0f tears...hurmm...s0mehow at your m0st darkest h0ur....the 'flashlight' that you h0ped for just fades away int0 obscurity.....
hurmm...anyway....if you reading this I just want you t0 know that your 'kemalasan' have started t0 take a t0ll on me....I kn0w you might say that I'm selfish and all...but please...I kn0w that you understand me and I know that you kn0w me m0re than any0ne else....(f0r g0d sake...we've been friends 4 s0 long..maybe n0t fulfilling your 'quota' la..)...s0 please I need my 'walking stick' t0 get me 0ff the h0ok....just say s0mething...hurmmm....
p/s....I'm s0rry....
while I'm stuck in many unhappy th0ughts....
you laugh and felt 0verjoyed.....
while I'm under a gl0omy cloud...
but 0ne thing 4 sure....
I sent...
You ign0red....
hurmm 0h...hell0 there...w0ndering why everything is gl0omy???....hahaha...
firstly my new friend just dumped me...hurmm...gl0omy isn't it...haha...I d0n't kn0w maybe I'm s0 stupid t0o believe that every0ne are nice I'm n0t the type 0f guys...wh0's mach0-dness overshad0ws his feelings...0r eg0istic that is...I'm quite naive when it c0mes to life..hahaha..(maybe bec0z I d0n't watch KOREAN or tv3 dramas..hurmm).....but I try...haha...and as my BEST FRIEND said that one day my stupidity will make me suffer...(ni tym kt KL tuhh...kal0 ang lupa...)....he f0und his 0ld friends back while I l0st mine...he's the last 0utsider I can truly trust....but I d0n't know...hurmm...
hurmm...g0in away..... |
really???? |
p/s....I'm s0rry....
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
a day t0 forget...
why the w0rd f0rget??? itula yg dirasai ana arini n ari sbl0mya....hadehh....tula rmaja nihh xde experience tp nk wt pndai lak...hurrmmm....anyway...I felt for someone that I've had never meet and never knew...but s0mehow I fall for her...awkward isn't it??...haha...sl0wly I forg0t who I was.....and f0rgot everything that I stand for....l0ve is just an0ther trap....haaa...that's my t0ok a toll on my friendship....maybe because the questi0n is so serious that my friend just w0uldn't dare t0 answer...but s0mehow..she enlighten me....she made me l0ok back and think...what the hell I'm d0ing....
and then it all happens.....
my friend suddenly snaps and everything was falling apart....for the first time in my life I felt s0 damn sad and's like ch0osing s0meone who I kn0w and appreciates. against s0meone who's new but s0mehow l0vable..(did I just say that..huhu)...and suddenly I ummi's qu0te...
"you can l0se your couple love and still find it.....but if you lose a friend's l0ve,,,it's hard 4 you to go back"
hurrmmm....just the w0rd I need....and I realize that the 0ne that I just met deserved my attenti0n but not my love....and the best friend that I's just a once in a lifetime adventure....
but s0mehow she's just sudden2 (haha..manglish jap.) bec0me s0 quiet....and the last time she was quiet it really didn't go well......and s0 my anxiety and worridnes starts t0 control me....and everything was l0oking bleak....and I felt desperate...hurrmm ntahla...mybe you can imagine yourself..huhu....but my ummi's word really struck me...and I felt very-very-very dirty inside me.....maybe it's Allah's way of telling me that I was d0ing something wr0ng......
s0....4 all you f0lks out there....just cherish what you have especially the friends that you have....because couple l0ve can c0me any time....but friendship l0ve s0metimes only 0nce...
t0 my special friend.....I'm s0rry 4 all the times that I've been childish....plzz forgive me and I h0pe that what we have w0uld last until I breath my last,,,,maybe this is 0ur anniversary isn't it...haha...anyway..I now kn0w h0w special you are....
why the w0rd f0rget??? itula yg dirasai ana arini n ari sbl0mya....hadehh....tula rmaja nihh xde experience tp nk wt pndai lak...hurrmmm....anyway...I felt for someone that I've had never meet and never knew...but s0mehow I fall for her...awkward isn't it??...haha...sl0wly I forg0t who I was.....and f0rgot everything that I stand for....l0ve is just an0ther trap....haaa...that's my t0ok a toll on my friendship....maybe because the questi0n is so serious that my friend just w0uldn't dare t0 answer...but s0mehow..she enlighten me....she made me l0ok back and think...what the hell I'm d0ing....
hurmm...walkin and thinkin.... |
my friend suddenly snaps and everything was falling apart....for the first time in my life I felt s0 damn sad and's like ch0osing s0meone who I kn0w and appreciates. against s0meone who's new but s0mehow l0vable..(did I just say that..huhu)...and suddenly I ummi's qu0te...
"you can l0se your couple love and still find it.....but if you lose a friend's l0ve,,,it's hard 4 you to go back"
hurrmmm....just the w0rd I need....and I realize that the 0ne that I just met deserved my attenti0n but not my love....and the best friend that I's just a once in a lifetime adventure.... heart ain't goin' t0 be broken.... |
but s0mehow she's just sudden2 (haha..manglish jap.) bec0me s0 quiet....and the last time she was quiet it really didn't go well......and s0 my anxiety and worridnes starts t0 control me....and everything was l0oking bleak....and I felt desperate...hurrmm ntahla...mybe you can imagine yourself..huhu....but my ummi's word really struck me...and I felt very-very-very dirty inside me.....maybe it's Allah's way of telling me that I was d0ing something wr0ng...... said it... |
t0 my special friend.....I'm s0rry 4 all the times that I've been childish....plzz forgive me and I h0pe that what we have w0uld last until I breath my last,,,,maybe this is 0ur anniversary isn't it...haha...anyway..I now kn0w h0w special you are....
Sunday, 25 March 2012
little secret....
haha...bru pg td tgk HBO so trtgk la movie nihh....Little Secrets....
sron0k jugak sbenarnye cte nihh....kinda sweet n quite amusing....ala cte dy sal s0wg gurl yg bukak biznes simpan rahsia budak2...cth mcm kal0 budak kasi pcah gelas 0r pasu mak dy,,,s0 diorg akan dtg la jumpa Emily....(wtak utama..) s0 dy akn simpan la rahsia tuhh......skali dgn bnde yg dpecahkan dgn hnya bayaran 30 sen....haha...
hurmm yg part awal tuhh ana dah cte dah....s0 kita start la sket ngan bab2 sterusnya.....stu ari ad la kluarga bru pndah kt neighbourh0od tuhh n brtemula Emily ngan Phillip...mse tuhh phillip tgh nk smbunyi barang ksayangan ayahnya yg dy pcahkan...pstu Emily p0nn kte dy leh tl0ng smbunyikan....s0 sjak dr itu Phillip nihh p0nn mulala jd best friend dgn Emily.....Phillip akn slalu djemput utk ke rumah Emily utk b0rak2 n wt high tea skali.....hurmm mlas la nk cte sume....haha
ni summarization dy...
Emily Lindstrom, 14, is an aspiring concert violinist; she's spending the summer practicing for a big audition while her girlfriends are at camp. She's also got a thriving neighborhood business: for 50 cents, she'll keep your secret. Her mother is very pregnant, and her parents seem more concerned about the new baby than anything Emily cares about. A new family moves in next door; their son, Philip, 12, becomes Emily's friend. Eventually, the weight of Emily's secrets - her own, the ones she's keeping professionally, and a secret Philip tells her, send her life temporarily crashing down
pe special nyerr???....
hurmmm...cte dy agk sweet haha....(cm gurl lak..hadehh) truly mmg sr0nok....sbb dy kisah kan tntang rahsia....tntunya kita sume ad rhsia, cte ni bgtau yg kdang2 secrets are best t0ld......sbb rhsia yg bruk nihhh lama2 dy bleh jd brah n mr0sakkan diri kita.... stengah bnde it's better t0 keep it t0 ourselves tp kal0 yg tr0k2 tuhh it's better t0 let it out....haaa...luahkan....kal0 tk0t nk luahkan kt public...luahkan kt kwn bek n yg bleh kita prcya...sbb kal0 pendam lama2 p0nn nnti dy berkulat...bila brkulat mulalah nek bakteria...huh..bhayakan ksihatan t0ll...haha....
hurmmm ana sbenarnye byk jgak kal0 bruk ana lbih rela share ngan ummi n abi 0r dgn best friend ana.....(haha...wlaupun dy b0ring.huhu) itula ana cba.....sbb ana p0nn ase cm tu ....klau smpan lma2 nnti brkarat...huh...s0 teman2 skelian....kal0 xthan sgt...jgn smpan better luahkan....n kal0 bruk...mnx la ampun dr Allah....insyaallah....
p/s...haha....kal0 'makcik' tgh bca nihh...pham2 la yekk nape kdang2 em0...haha...jeng3...
sron0k jugak sbenarnye cte nihh....kinda sweet n quite amusing....ala cte dy sal s0wg gurl yg bukak biznes simpan rahsia budak2...cth mcm kal0 budak kasi pcah gelas 0r pasu mak dy,,,s0 diorg akan dtg la jumpa Emily....(wtak utama..) s0 dy akn simpan la rahsia tuhh......skali dgn bnde yg dpecahkan dgn hnya bayaran 30 sen....haha...
hurmm yg part awal tuhh ana dah cte dah....s0 kita start la sket ngan bab2 sterusnya.....stu ari ad la kluarga bru pndah kt neighbourh0od tuhh n brtemula Emily ngan Phillip...mse tuhh phillip tgh nk smbunyi barang ksayangan ayahnya yg dy pcahkan...pstu Emily p0nn kte dy leh tl0ng smbunyikan....s0 sjak dr itu Phillip nihh p0nn mulala jd best friend dgn Emily.....Phillip akn slalu djemput utk ke rumah Emily utk b0rak2 n wt high tea skali.....hurmm mlas la nk cte sume....haha
ni summarization dy...
Emily Lindstrom, 14, is an aspiring concert violinist; she's spending the summer practicing for a big audition while her girlfriends are at camp. She's also got a thriving neighborhood business: for 50 cents, she'll keep your secret. Her mother is very pregnant, and her parents seem more concerned about the new baby than anything Emily cares about. A new family moves in next door; their son, Philip, 12, becomes Emily's friend. Eventually, the weight of Emily's secrets - her own, the ones she's keeping professionally, and a secret Philip tells her, send her life temporarily crashing down friend emily.... |
pe special nyerr???....
hurmmm...cte dy agk sweet haha....(cm gurl lak..hadehh) truly mmg sr0nok....sbb dy kisah kan tntang rahsia....tntunya kita sume ad rhsia, cte ni bgtau yg kdang2 secrets are best t0ld......sbb rhsia yg bruk nihhh lama2 dy bleh jd brah n mr0sakkan diri kita.... stengah bnde it's better t0 keep it t0 ourselves tp kal0 yg tr0k2 tuhh it's better t0 let it out....haaa...luahkan....kal0 tk0t nk luahkan kt public...luahkan kt kwn bek n yg bleh kita prcya...sbb kal0 pendam lama2 p0nn nnti dy berkulat...bila brkulat mulalah nek bakteria...huh..bhayakan ksihatan t0ll...haha....
hurmmm ana sbenarnye byk jgak kal0 bruk ana lbih rela share ngan ummi n abi 0r dgn best friend ana.....(haha...wlaupun dy b0ring.huhu) itula ana cba.....sbb ana p0nn ase cm tu ....klau smpan lma2 nnti brkarat...huh...s0 teman2 skelian....kal0 xthan sgt...jgn smpan better luahkan....n kal0 bruk...mnx la ampun dr Allah....insyaallah....
haha...tu bukan emily tp l0yal customer..haha... |
p/s...haha....kal0 'makcik' tgh bca nihh...pham2 la yekk nape kdang2 em0...haha...jeng3...
Friday, 16 March 2012
an 0ld friend....
haha....I remember those days....when I always got to the class early in the m0rning because she would be the second in class and we would have a 'shy' chat....haha....I call it shy because I was t0o damn scared and dumbf0unded whenever I am going to talk with her....hurrmmm maybe it's typical amir t0 be shy and stuttering when talking to girls...('s true though..) but somehow I would always have a quite interesting conversation with her....
haha...maybe some would wonder do I have any feelings for her....but actually special feeling I only share with my bestest friend only....sorry f0lks maybe when I'm married I would retell the story....haha....but you know I still have a feeling of friendship with her....
anything special???
haha...she was wonderful and frankly she's a pious one....and one thing that amazes me is that her ability t0 assist me and s0mehow enthrall me....she's a p0et lover that's for sure....I remember the time she entered a p0em recitation c0mpetition and she asked h0w's her p0em....hurmmm....haha...I just urmm...haha....but she was an interesting girl t0 be with....
n0w??? d0n't know...maybe we change path and she's just change.....I d0n't know.....haha...but after hearing this s0ng...(fergie's v0ice that is...) I recalled back the first time I heard her v0ice through the ph0ne....(huh...the blushes are back^^).......
an ending.....
hurmmm if s0me of you reading this and maybe got the idea who 'she' was......tell her that th0se days that we've gone through were really special days for me.....and I didn't mean any harm for her....she's still hold a g0od share of my heart....haha....and 4 all you f0lks out there...cherish what you have because 0nce it got away from you,,,you just couldn't st0p remembering and rue that me...haha
Thursday, 8 March 2012
a new friend....haha
a sh0cker of the day......
huhu I just d0n't know what t0 say but last night I just have the biggest shock of my life..(not entirely la...haha)...faceb0ok is really a funny place if you thought deeply about it.....hurrmmm it's a place where lovers met one an0ther through IMD..(instant message dating..huhu??) and of course ex lovers met one an0ther....this what suprises me the m0st....
what happened???
hurmmm I met a new friend on faceb0ok and everything was going well and I thought maybe this friend of mine was just an0ther faceb0ok f0lks who just like to meet new people...s0 I thought maybe I must play nice with her...hurrmmm...anyway....suddenly she cracks it....hurrmm....she t0ld me how I resembled her bel0ved friend....and shockingly really identical....
hadehh.....I really d0n't know what t0 say....but what I do know is that I am really sh0cked but at the same time I felt cm sweet lak....haha....but I really d0n't want her t0 make believe that I was her long lost friend I just want her to believe that I, Amir am his friend...haha....just for the sake of reality that is...
actually there's no pr0blem for me if she wants to make me as her bestfriend or whatever but really the reality of why I was her friend was quite sweet though and t0uching,, this is my third time that I really felt appreciated by someone....(after my family and best friend...huhu).....haha....I really am speechless and just d0n't know what t0 say......
t0 those who read this......
kdang2 prtemuan nihh kita xjgka tau.....maybe kita akn jumpa sese0rg yg kita benci or mgkin future wife or pertemuan mmg xbleh dielakkan.....prtemuan hnya bleh diperbt0l jerr bkan dielakkan....haha s0 teman2 yg baca la bnde nihh just try t0 appreciate what you already have and try t0 accept new things without hesitant....and of course try not to be prejudice..(ni nsihat khas besfwen ana..huhu)....hurrmmm...
tribute t0 my new friend....
if you're reading this just remember that I'm ready and n0t worried bout being ur friend.....I'm s0rry if ever I hurt y0ur feeling I just want you t0 know that 0nce you're my friend, you're always be one...(ayt bestfwen ana gak...maap mkcik yekk..huhu)......
huhu I just d0n't know what t0 say but last night I just have the biggest shock of my life..(not entirely la...haha)...faceb0ok is really a funny place if you thought deeply about it.....hurrmmm it's a place where lovers met one an0ther through IMD..(instant message dating..huhu??) and of course ex lovers met one an0ther....this what suprises me the m0st....
what happened???
hurmmm I met a new friend on faceb0ok and everything was going well and I thought maybe this friend of mine was just an0ther faceb0ok f0lks who just like to meet new people...s0 I thought maybe I must play nice with her...hurrmmm...anyway....suddenly she cracks it....hurrmm....she t0ld me how I resembled her bel0ved friend....and shockingly really identical....
hadehh.....I really d0n't know what t0 say....but what I do know is that I am really sh0cked but at the same time I felt cm sweet lak....haha....but I really d0n't want her t0 make believe that I was her long lost friend I just want her to believe that I, Amir am his friend...haha....just for the sake of reality that is...
huh....mmg tokh0jot la ana... |
actually there's no pr0blem for me if she wants to make me as her bestfriend or whatever but really the reality of why I was her friend was quite sweet though and t0uching,, this is my third time that I really felt appreciated by someone....(after my family and best friend...huhu).....haha....I really am speechless and just d0n't know what t0 say......
hurrmmm.....maybe this is something special....huh |
kdang2 prtemuan nihh kita xjgka tau.....maybe kita akn jumpa sese0rg yg kita benci or mgkin future wife or pertemuan mmg xbleh dielakkan.....prtemuan hnya bleh diperbt0l jerr bkan dielakkan....haha s0 teman2 yg baca la bnde nihh just try t0 appreciate what you already have and try t0 accept new things without hesitant....and of course try not to be prejudice..(ni nsihat khas besfwen ana..huhu)....hurrmmm...
tribute t0 my new friend....
if you're reading this just remember that I'm ready and n0t worried bout being ur friend.....I'm s0rry if ever I hurt y0ur feeling I just want you t0 know that 0nce you're my friend, you're always be one...(ayt bestfwen ana gak...maap mkcik yekk..huhu)......
here's 4 you...haha |
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
faceb0ok...a special place...
fb nihh stu tmpat yg plik kan....mcm2 0wg kita leh jumpa n mcm2 0wg kita leh ana xm0la nk cte bab2 gad0h nihh...haha...(byk la jgak...huhu)....ana nk cte sket tntang sahabat fb...
as always dlm fb nihh mcm2 0wg kita leh jumpa....n ana p0n ada la jumpa s0wg hamba Allah special ek??...ntahla tp tiap kali jerrr ana on9 msti tringat dy so kita ceking la kt fb dy haha...urmm p0st islamik yg mnyent0h......s0 ana jdikan la acc0unt dy sbgai tmpat inspirasi ana...haha...sr0nok gak bila kita jumpa kwn bru...
now everyone can meet...haha |
ntahla....ase sr0nok lak bila tgk dy k0men or like2 status.....mks0dnye ad jgak la owg baca status pkcik tua nihh...haha...ala biasa la sume 0wg kn bila dah like tu sr0nok la....s0 ana ponn xtrkecuali...hurrmmm...susah sbenarnye nk cte tp tu la....mybe Allah tlah prtemukan dgn s0wg kwn bru...Alhamdulillah I'm blessed with so many g0od friends and some few bestfriend and a bestest best friend...(huh corrupt english lak...hadehh)
trima kasih yekk cik mark....haha |
wlaupun kita mampu bertemu ngan plbagai 0wg dlm dunia maya nihh tp kita kne ingat n brhati2.....tk0t2 kita nihh trbabas n trtipu s0 berkwn tu jgn trlalu prcya....only believe those you can believe not those you have to.......insyaallah....
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
a little something 4 you!!!!
this is one of my favourite s0ngs!!!
wlaupun ia agak ke arah gwang2 sket...huhu tp it's still a sweet song...hurrmm lgu nihh spesel la jgak n tmpat prtama ana dgr lgu nihh adalah dr corong suara tesc0...the moment I heard it, I felt in love...haha...ana nihh sntimental sket bab2 lgu so kebanyakkan mmg ad mkna la....lgu nihh p0nn ad gak tp pnjang lak anal0gi dy...haha....anyway.....plain white T's is a band that I really love and byk jgak ana cba tgk2 n gunakan dlm usrah...haha...sr0nok n mmg dgr tuhh ase urrmm sr0nok lahhh...haha..
what it reminded me off????
haha susah nk mmg sron0k la....n it reminded me of my best friend....hurrrmmm (bkan bab2 i love you la...hadehhh) ntahla cm tu la asenye....try k0wg dgr n cbe la feeling sndirik....kal0 xbleh tuhh....fkir2 la yekk....haha...
my favourite band...the t's |
if you're reading this....I just want to know how I appreciate you....thanx 4 all thse years!!!....
(short jgak entry nihhh...haha)
mencari Fatimah atau menjadi Ali???...
sume 0wg inginkan lelaki or perempuan idaman sbagai penyeri dlm hd0p kita....kita nk yg encem, cmey, Islamik, sophisticated n mcm2 lg....hurrmmm tp kita hnya inginkan lelaki or perempuan idaman itu tp pernahakah kita tringin utk MENJADI lelaki idaman or perempuan idaman kita itu bukan skedar memiliki....haha....teman2 sume nihh atas pndirian dan kemahuan kita.....
dlm Surah An Nur, Allah berfirman bahawa lelaki yg baik adalah utk perempuan yg baik.....ayat nihh adalah sbgai m0tivasi utk kita supaya kita berusaha utk menjadi s0wg yg baek n spaya mndapat psangan yg there's a saying!!...bgaimana nk dpt s0wg istri sebaik fatimah kal0 diri xshebat Ali....haaa ni kn juga stu m0tivasi bukan ayt perli tau.....kata2 nihhh dy mniup smangat supaya kita mncari dan menjadi s0wg yg baik....
xkan tringin jerrr???....
kdang2 kita ni ska brangan utk brkawen n mmbina rumah tgga yg kita nihh kdang2 mimpi jerr sdangkan sdar x sdar mimpi kita tuhh mmpu jd kenyataan.....Allah sntiasa membuka pluang utk kita mnegubah diri kita spaya mnjadi lbih pntu taubat itu sntiasa trbuka bg kita...teman2 Allah itu Maha Pengampun n Maha Penyayang...jgn rsau slagi kita ikhlas Insyaallah kita mmpu utk mengubahnya.....
bila nk start??? la kdang2 part yg plik sket....bila nk start cri pasangan???...jeng3....sbenarnye prs0alan kt sini bkan bila nk start cri pasangan tp bila nk brubah???....teman2....kal0 kita ty s0klan bila nk start cri pasangan nihh mmg susah nk bila nk brubah!!!...that's the questi0n.....sbb kal0 kita nk pasangan yg baik jd baik dulu....cintai Allah dulu insyaallah Allah akn cri yg terbaiikkk. utk kita...d0n't worry my friend...smua nya dah sdia juzzz sma ad kita nk or xmau jerrr.....
cinta Allah or cinta insan???
hurrmmm.....kal0 ikotkan mmg cintai Allah dulu..nape ek???...haha...teman2 pabila kita mncintai Allah pstinya Allah mncintai kita n Allah xkn biarkan kita sesat jd Allah akn sdiakan kita teman yg akn sma juga mencintai Dia......hurmmm teman2....ustat ana psan cintai Allah dahulu pstu Allah akn sdiakan teman yg terbaikk utk kita....jgn risau Allah tu Maha Bijaksana.....
sume 0wg inginkan lelaki or perempuan idaman sbagai penyeri dlm hd0p kita....kita nk yg encem, cmey, Islamik, sophisticated n mcm2 lg....hurrmmm tp kita hnya inginkan lelaki or perempuan idaman itu tp pernahakah kita tringin utk MENJADI lelaki idaman or perempuan idaman kita itu bukan skedar memiliki....haha....teman2 sume nihh atas pndirian dan kemahuan kita.....
dlm Surah An Nur, Allah berfirman bahawa lelaki yg baik adalah utk perempuan yg baik.....ayat nihh adalah sbgai m0tivasi utk kita supaya kita berusaha utk menjadi s0wg yg baek n spaya mndapat psangan yg there's a saying!!...bgaimana nk dpt s0wg istri sebaik fatimah kal0 diri xshebat Ali....haaa ni kn juga stu m0tivasi bukan ayt perli tau.....kata2 nihhh dy mniup smangat supaya kita mncari dan menjadi s0wg yg baik....
msti muslimin tringin bini cm ni??..(ana p0n..huhu) |
kdang2 kita ni ska brangan utk brkawen n mmbina rumah tgga yg kita nihh kdang2 mimpi jerr sdangkan sdar x sdar mimpi kita tuhh mmpu jd kenyataan.....Allah sntiasa membuka pluang utk kita mnegubah diri kita spaya mnjadi lbih pntu taubat itu sntiasa trbuka bg kita...teman2 Allah itu Maha Pengampun n Maha Penyayang...jgn rsau slagi kita ikhlas Insyaallah kita mmpu utk mengubahnya.....
bila nk start??? la kdang2 part yg plik sket....bila nk start cri pasangan???...jeng3....sbenarnye prs0alan kt sini bkan bila nk start cri pasangan tp bila nk brubah???....teman2....kal0 kita ty s0klan bila nk start cri pasangan nihh mmg susah nk bila nk brubah!!!...that's the questi0n.....sbb kal0 kita nk pasangan yg baik jd baik dulu....cintai Allah dulu insyaallah Allah akn cri yg terbaiikkk. utk kita...d0n't worry my friend...smua nya dah sdia juzzz sma ad kita nk or xmau jerrr.....
cinta Allah or cinta insan???
hurrmmm.....kal0 ikotkan mmg cintai Allah dulu..nape ek???...haha...teman2 pabila kita mncintai Allah pstinya Allah mncintai kita n Allah xkn biarkan kita sesat jd Allah akn sdiakan kita teman yg akn sma juga mencintai Dia......hurmmm teman2....ustat ana psan cintai Allah dahulu pstu Allah akn sdiakan teman yg terbaikk utk kita....jgn risau Allah tu Maha Bijaksana.....
muslimah2 skelian!!! ke suami kalian??... |
mari brubah!!!!!....
teman2 yg ana syg kerana Allah skelian....cinta nihh stu bnde yg susah utk kita describe tp sgt bahaya bila ia timbul dlm hati.....syaitan slalu mnunggu utk menerkam cinta2 nihh supaya dir0sakkan oleh nafsu serakah....teman2 pliharalah cinta kalian kerna cinta tu stu anugerah yg hebat....insyaallah perbaiki la diri kita n jgn r0sakkan diri kita....ykinla dgn jnji yg baik utk org yg baik n org yg buruk utk mereka yg buruk.....jdkanla ayat ni sbagai catalyst utk kita perbaiki n improve diri kita!!!...rnung2 yekk....insyaallah...
Monday, 5 March 2012
Abu Bakar N Rasulullah : friends 4 eva
hurrmmm spe la role model dlm persahabatan nihh???
haha....s0klan nihh snang jerr jwb tp teman2 skelian bpe rmai yg tahu tp wat xtahu jerrr....teman2 prlu ingat n lihat kembali bgaimana qudwatu hasanah kita, Muhammad B Abdullah s.a.w bersahabat.....
best friend yg terhebat!!!!!
teman2 cba tgk n revise blik friendship k0wg....hurrmmm kita anggap friendship kita dah sweet tp hkikatnye ad lg friendship yg lbih cweet lg...nila the ultimate friendship antara Abu Bakar n Rasulullah s.a.w,,,,hurrmm kal0 kowg tgk la kisah2 mereka berdua mmg k0npem k0wg akn cuba baiki friendship k0wg....
ktika brhijrah.....
ni adalah kisah yg menunjukkan betapa sygnya s0wg sahabat kepada sahabat yg laen....teman2 mgkin ad yg tahu kisah nihh tp xpela manusia nihh kn an nasu (mudah lupa..huhu) ana p0nn nk ingatkan blik....kisah dua shabat dlm suatu perjalanan....
ktika suatu mlm yg hening di kota Makkah....Rasulullah dan Abu Bakar kluar dr rumah Baginda n mula beranjak kluar dr Makkah utk brhijrah ke Madinah....ktika dlm perjalanan mereka terpaksa berteduh di dalam gua thur....di situ Abu Bakar volunteer utk berjaga n biarkan Baginda td0r.....ktika baginda sedan td0r ternampaklah seekor kala jengking yg kluar dr lubang....dgn pantas Abu Bakar tekup lubang itu dgn kpala lututnye....teman2 abu bakar dipatuk ang it was agonizingly dy xjerit or melalak sbb dy rsau baginda terjaga n xckup td0...jd dy than la smpai biru kpala lutunyer...n smpai mengalir air mata dy shingga terjatuh ke muka Baginda...."kenapa Abu Bakar??....ttbe nanges!!...lutut tuhh smpai biru dah!" Baginda p0nn menyapu air liur baginda ke atas lutut itu...."kenapa xpggil??" teman2 bygkan jwapan seorg shabat nihh "ana xmau kj0tkan anta...nmpak sdap jerr td0 td.." Ya Allah, betapa Engkau merahmati kekasih Mu dgn s0wg sahabat yg sgt10000X mulia hati nyerr!!!....teman2 xinginke kta ad sahabat cm ni???...huh sweet glllerrr la!!!....
ktika Israk Mikraj.....
ni cte kepercayaan yg [lg hebat skali......mmg xpnah jmpa la....hurrmmm pristiwa ni p0nn kal0 l0gik akal mmg xdtrima.....teman2 ketika pristiwa Israk Mikraj Rasulullah diangkat ke langit utk bertemu Allah n ktika bginda turun bayangkan betapa susahnye utk bginda terangkan tntang pristiwa Abu Bakar adalah owg prtama yg dtg n mngakui apa yg Rasulullah ckp....bliau ykin bkan hnya skedar Rasulullah itu Utusan Allah tp kerana dy mempercayai n menyayangi baginda....teman2 kdang2 kita xmmpercayai bestfriend kita ktika dy mengkritik kita tp cbe lihat friendship nihh...teman2 cbe contohi n revise blik friendship nihhh
ketika perginya s0wg sahabat.....
ktika haji wida' ni la stu bibit pristiwa yg sgt sdey....ktika bginda menyampaikan khutbah baginda yg terakhir...rmai 0wg bergembira kerna Islam tlah smpurna jd mereka sudah Abu Bakar mnangis...jd para sahabat p0nn ty la "abu bakar, nape k0 nanges??" "sahabat skelian ktika bginda ckp cm tu mks0dnyer tym utk bginda prgi sudah dekat..." teman2...bliau adalah 0wg prtama yg tahu tntang itu n bliau uga 0wg prtma yg tangisi brita itu....hurrmmm agak2 la...kal0 kta cm mne???..hurmmm
hurrmmm teman2 ni adalah antara bibit2 friendship antara dua shabat bek yg mmg cweet cgt2.....bila kenang cte mereka tringat lak friendship ana ...huurrmmm needs a little improvement s0 jomla kwn2 mri kita take time n tgk blik friendship kita....insyaallah persahabatan yg baik adalah persahabatan seperti rasulullah....
akhir kalam.....
ana hbiskan dgn sdikit luahan hati s0wg sahabat kpd sahabatnyerr yg tercinta....
Semoga Allah merahmatimu! Engkau adalah sahabatku! Engkau telah membenarkan ketika orang lain mendustakanku, engkau telah membantuku ketika orang lain membiarkanku, engkau telah beriman kepadaku ketika orang lain mendustakanku, engkau telah mententeramkan hatiku ketika hatiku sedang dalam keadaan keluh kesah.< Rasulullah s.a.w>
Sunday, 4 March 2012
pertemuan dlm Faceb0ok...
Assalamualaikum n slamat petang......
t0day we're talking bout faceb0ok....haha...tntula dlm faceb0ok ni adalah tempat pertemuan strangers n 0wg2 yg kita xkenal n kita xkn jmpa.....hurrmmm ana nk k0ngsi sket pengalaman ana brjumpa s0wg kwn dlm fb nihh
ttbe add...........
pada suatu hari ana p0nn buka la profile n trdapat stu friend request,,,haha mula2 ase excited la dpt tmbah kenalan rupa2nyee s0wg muslimah....hurrmmm ana ragu2 sket tmbah bila tgk dy s0wg plajar sk0lah p0ndok di kelantan...musykil2....lpas tu ana ingt mybe kwn kepada besfwen ana dy add ana ngan s0wg lg kwn ana (kak pah..haha) s0 mkin musykil la tp xpe ad geng gak...haha
mula berinteraksi..... la pristiwa yg agk pelik n gnjil....stu hari ana p0st la as always bab2 islamik nihhh....pstu brmula la bibit2 komen2 nihhh.....trk0jot la apabila mlihat dy 0wg prtama k0men post ana....haha...pstu mulalah sembang2....hurmm tp yg musykil yg teramat2 nihh adalah dy sembang ngan ana dlm keadaan seperti dy knal ana ke pt0t dy pggil ana squidward???? itula saat ana mula berkenalan dgn s0wg gadis di fb....
cuba mengetahui......
slepas dy bg ana nma timangan squidward ana mula syak mgkin dy nihhh kwn ana yg nyamar k0tt...sje2 nk test ana k0t2 ana mngtal ke ngan muslimah check2 friend hnya ana n kak pah jerrr yg fwen dy.....ana ty kak pah, dy p0nn xkenal gak...hurrmmm ana ty kwn ana di klantan dy xtau sgt...haha...hurrmmm tp muslimah nihh dy xrmai kwn sgt tp sume nyerr bgitu asing bg ana...haha
berbaur dakwah...
pstu ana tgk2 la pr0file dy.....hurmmm byk jgak p0st Islamik kt wall dy...haha.....s0 pt0tla dy byk like post tgk dy ske posting2 mcm novelis lak...byk nukilan2 best gak tgk dy post tuhhh..hurrmmm pstu ana p0nn branikan diri k0men2 post dy....hadehhh...mcm budak2 lak muslimah nihh
stu ari ttbe dy ty ana....."awk nk kenal sy?? kal0 nk usha2 la wall..."....hurrmmm mkin curi0us lak ttbe IM ty tringin nk kenal dak...hurrmmm...ana p0nn tgk2 gmb0 nyerr tp bese jerrr ntah xtau nk kte pe p0nn...s0 ana sr0nok gak dpt kenal 0wg bru...
tukar2 n0vel....
hurrmmm....ana dpt teka yg dy ni peminat fatimah syarha(tgk2 post dy la...haha) s0 ana offer la utk anta n0vel tercinta ana "tautan hati" utk dikongsi dgn dy....hurrmmm dy bg alamat nyerr n nnti ana hantar la....anyway,,...pstu ad la ukhti dy..(ntahla kndung k0t...or mybe mur0bbiah usrah dy) ukhti dy p0nn cm tu gak...ske gt sakat ana ana amek kesempatan utk bertnya pada si ukhti....siapakah dy yg sbenar.....skang nihh tgh tggu jwpan la...haha....
fb dan friends nyerrr.....
hurrmmm tmpat mnarik utk brtemu kwn lama n kwn baru tp hati2 tau jgn trtipu...insyaallah...rnung2 yekkk...
t0day we're talking bout faceb0ok....haha...tntula dlm faceb0ok ni adalah tempat pertemuan strangers n 0wg2 yg kita xkenal n kita xkn jmpa.....hurrmmm ana nk k0ngsi sket pengalaman ana brjumpa s0wg kwn dlm fb nihh
ttbe add...........
pada suatu hari ana p0nn buka la profile n trdapat stu friend request,,,haha mula2 ase excited la dpt tmbah kenalan rupa2nyee s0wg muslimah....hurrmmm ana ragu2 sket tmbah bila tgk dy s0wg plajar sk0lah p0ndok di kelantan...musykil2....lpas tu ana ingt mybe kwn kepada besfwen ana dy add ana ngan s0wg lg kwn ana (kak pah..haha) s0 mkin musykil la tp xpe ad geng gak...haha
mula berinteraksi..... la pristiwa yg agk pelik n gnjil....stu hari ana p0st la as always bab2 islamik nihhh....pstu brmula la bibit2 komen2 nihhh.....trk0jot la apabila mlihat dy 0wg prtama k0men post ana....haha...pstu mulalah sembang2....hurmm tp yg musykil yg teramat2 nihh adalah dy sembang ngan ana dlm keadaan seperti dy knal ana ke pt0t dy pggil ana squidward???? itula saat ana mula berkenalan dgn s0wg gadis di fb....
cuba mengetahui......
slepas dy bg ana nma timangan squidward ana mula syak mgkin dy nihhh kwn ana yg nyamar k0tt...sje2 nk test ana k0t2 ana mngtal ke ngan muslimah check2 friend hnya ana n kak pah jerrr yg fwen dy.....ana ty kak pah, dy p0nn xkenal gak...hurrmmm ana ty kwn ana di klantan dy xtau sgt...haha...hurrmmm tp muslimah nihh dy xrmai kwn sgt tp sume nyerr bgitu asing bg ana...haha
berbaur dakwah...
pstu ana tgk2 la pr0file dy.....hurmmm byk jgak p0st Islamik kt wall dy...haha.....s0 pt0tla dy byk like post tgk dy ske posting2 mcm novelis lak...byk nukilan2 best gak tgk dy post tuhhh..hurrmmm pstu ana p0nn branikan diri k0men2 post dy....hadehhh...mcm budak2 lak muslimah nihh
stu ari ttbe dy ty ana....."awk nk kenal sy?? kal0 nk usha2 la wall..."....hurrmmm mkin curi0us lak ttbe IM ty tringin nk kenal dak...hurrmmm...ana p0nn tgk2 gmb0 nyerr tp bese jerrr ntah xtau nk kte pe p0nn...s0 ana sr0nok gak dpt kenal 0wg bru...
tukar2 n0vel....
hurrmmm....ana dpt teka yg dy ni peminat fatimah syarha(tgk2 post dy la...haha) s0 ana offer la utk anta n0vel tercinta ana "tautan hati" utk dikongsi dgn dy....hurrmmm dy bg alamat nyerr n nnti ana hantar la....anyway,,...pstu ad la ukhti dy..(ntahla kndung k0t...or mybe mur0bbiah usrah dy) ukhti dy p0nn cm tu gak...ske gt sakat ana ana amek kesempatan utk bertnya pada si ukhti....siapakah dy yg sbenar.....skang nihh tgh tggu jwpan la...haha....
si muslimah fb... |
hurrmmm tmpat mnarik utk brtemu kwn lama n kwn baru tp hati2 tau jgn trtipu...insyaallah...rnung2 yekkk...
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