why the w0rd f0rget???....haha..ntahla...tp itula yg dirasai ana arini n ari sbl0mya....hadehh....tula rmaja nihh xde experience tp nk wt pndai lak...hurrmmm....anyway...I felt for someone that I've had never meet and never knew...but s0mehow I fall for her...awkward isn't it??...haha...sl0wly I forg0t who I was.....and f0rgot everything that I stand for....l0ve is just an0ther trap....haaa...that's my quote...anyway....it t0ok a toll on my friendship....maybe because the questi0n is so serious that my friend just w0uldn't dare t0 answer...but s0mehow..she enlighten me....she made me l0ok back and think...what the hell I'm d0ing....
hurmm...walkin and thinkin.... |
my friend suddenly snaps and everything was falling apart....for the first time in my life I felt s0 damn sad and desperate....it's like ch0osing s0meone who I kn0w and appreciates. against s0meone who's new but s0mehow l0vable..(did I just say that..huhu)...and suddenly I remembered......mu ummi's qu0te...
"you can l0se your couple love and still find it.....but if you lose a friend's l0ve,,,it's hard 4 you to go back"
hurrmmm....just the w0rd I need....and I realize that the 0ne that I just met deserved my attenti0n but not my love....and the best friend that I have...it's just a once in a lifetime adventure....
n0...my heart ain't goin' t0 be broken.... |
but s0mehow she's just sudden2 (haha..manglish jap.) bec0me s0 quiet....and the last time she was quiet it really didn't go well......and s0 my anxiety and worridnes starts t0 control me....and everything was l0oking bleak....and I felt desperate...hurrmm ntahla...mybe you can imagine yourself..huhu....but my ummi's word really struck me...and I felt very-very-very dirty inside me.....maybe it's Allah's way of telling me that I was d0ing something wr0ng......
yupp....you said it... |
t0 my special friend.....I'm s0rry 4 all the times that I've been childish....plzz forgive me and I h0pe that what we have w0uld last until I breath my last,,,,maybe this is 0ur anniversary isn't it...haha...anyway..I now kn0w h0w special you are....
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