Friday, 30 March 2012

where are you???

you p0st happy n exciting entries and p0sts...
while I'm stuck in many unhappy th0ughts....
you laugh and felt 0verjoyed.....
while I'm under a gl0omy cloud...
but 0ne thing 4 sure....
I sent...
You ign0red....

hurmm 0h...hell0 there...w0ndering why everything is gl0omy???....hahaha...
firstly my new friend just dumped me...hurmm...gl0omy isn't it...haha...I d0n't kn0w maybe I'm s0 stupid t0o believe that every0ne are nice I'm n0t the type 0f guys...wh0's mach0-dness overshad0ws his feelings...0r eg0istic that is...I'm quite naive when it c0mes to life..hahaha..(maybe bec0z I d0n't watch KOREAN or tv3 dramas..hurmm).....but I try...haha...and as my BEST FRIEND said that one day my stupidity will make me suffer...(ni tym kt KL tuhh...kal0 ang lupa...)....he f0und his 0ld friends back while I l0st mine...he's the last 0utsider I can truly trust....but I d0n't know...hurmm...

hurmm...g0in away.....
maybe this entry is ab0ut sadness and rem0rse....(while hers are all b0ut happiness and bla bla bla...huhu)...maybe I'm 'bajet' 0r something....but inside it really hurts....It felt like I've been left 0ut....all al0ne with n0body else....maybe he just d0esn't want t0 l0ok int0 problems anym0re...but why you just can't say anything???...I wr0te this with a deep sense 0f rem0rse, guilty, sad and a bit 0f tears...hurmm...s0mehow at your m0st darkest h0ur....the 'flashlight' that you h0ped for just fades away int0 obscurity.....

hurmm...anyway....if you reading this I just want you t0 know that your 'kemalasan' have started t0 take a t0ll on me....I kn0w you might say that I'm selfish and all...but please...I kn0w that you understand me and I know that you kn0w me m0re than any0ne else....(f0r g0d sake...we've been friends 4 s0 long..maybe n0t fulfilling your 'quota' la..)...s0 please I need my 'walking stick' t0 get me 0ff the h0ok....just say s0mething...hurmmm....

p/s....I'm s0rry....

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