haa...2 mggu skali dr dtg... |
"setiap yg bernyawa psti akn mati. dan hanya pda hari kiamat sajalah dberikan dgn smpurna blasan kamu. barangsiapa dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga, dia memper0leh kemenangan..Kehidupan hnyalah kesenangan yg mmperdaya"
fr0m the passage ab0ve...(if u d0n't understand just search 4 the surah la...)......the first thing we see in the ayat...is the w0rd...those living shall die.....this is true....there is n0 such thing as immortality....pe0ple will c0nsequently die...when the time c0mes...s0 that's why the ultimate success in life isn't during 0ur lifetime...but it is determined in 0ur death.....or as the dr put it....sukses yg sbenar bukanlah di dunia sprti cmerlang spm 0r dpt gaji RM 100000 sbulan....tp adlah kselamatan di akhirat...sperti ayt yg dsbut td.....
And then the w0rd....life is only full 0f trickery....jeng3....haha...this is true...because the w0rld is just full 0f evil thing lurking ar0und every corner....s0me are s0 explicit that you can tell...but s0me are s0 hidden that you can easily fall prey t0 it....s0 someh0w we have t0 be aware..h0w??...with faith and cl0seness t0 Allah....bceause....Allahumaalas0birin....Allah is with th0se wh0 are Sabar/patience/faithful.....
the present reality....
n0w...pe0ple are t0o smart t0 believe 0r have faith...they regard what they d0 on earth will n0t be judged....shingga thap mreka xtk0t akn blasan neraka.....kita mkin angkuh...n kita rsa diri hbat...shingga kita xpduli akn Allah....sbgai cnt0h..rsuah....kita anggap bhawa kita xtrtgkap mka kita hbat n pndai....tp kita xtau bhawa Allah sdang mlihat mlah slagi kta xbrtaubat...maka Allah udah sdiakan tmpat utk kita diazab....bgitu jgak dgn cacian....kita caci 0rg, kta aibkan 0wg...kita glar 0wg itu mcm2..dn para pny0kong tpuk tgn ktika cacian dan aib dibuka....sdarkah kta bhawa Allah sdang mlihat...malaikat sdang mncatat....dan dri sdang dnilai.....this is the pr0blem with us....we are t0o engulf with wealth and pride...that we f0rgot that we are only a servant 0f Allah.....
our true aim....
Az Zariyaat:56
"tidak Aku menciptakan jin dan manusia mlainkan utk mnyembah Aku"
the true purp0se.. |
have a nice friday every0ne!!!!..... :-)
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