Friday, 16 March 2012

an 0ld friend....

haha....this is an 0ld video but it brings back special memories to me....for your info I have a special friend when I was at jenan....she was very special for me (identity must be kept secret...haha)....anyway in my whole life, she was quite different at the time I know her.....
 haha....I remember those days....when I always got to the class early in the m0rning because she would be the second in class and we would have a 'shy' chat....haha....I call it shy because I was t0o damn scared and dumbf0unded whenever I am going to talk with her....hurrmmm maybe it's typical amir t0 be shy and stuttering when talking to girls...('s true though..) but somehow I would always have a quite interesting conversation with her....

haha...maybe some would wonder do I have any feelings for her....but actually special feeling I only share with my bestest friend only....sorry f0lks maybe when I'm married I would retell the story....haha....but you know I still have a feeling of friendship with her....

anything special???
haha...she was wonderful and frankly she's a pious one....and one thing that amazes me is that her ability t0 assist me and s0mehow enthrall me....she's a p0et lover that's for sure....I remember the time she entered a p0em recitation c0mpetition and she asked h0w's her p0em....hurmmm....haha...I just urmm...haha....but she was an interesting girl t0 be with....

n0w??? d0n't know...maybe we change path and she's just change.....I d0n't know.....haha...but after hearing this s0ng...(fergie's v0ice that is...) I recalled back the first time I heard her v0ice through the ph0ne....(huh...the blushes are back^^).......

an ending.....
hurmmm if s0me of you reading this and maybe got the idea who 'she' was......tell her that th0se days that we've gone through were really special days for me.....and I didn't mean any harm for her....she's still hold a g0od share of my heart....haha....and 4 all you f0lks out there...cherish what you have because 0nce it got away from you,,,you just couldn't st0p remembering and rue that me...haha

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