saw the tittle's 4:54 in the m0rnin' and s0mehow I got the urge to wake up, dating jap n s0mehow again the urge to type s0mething......
maybe it's n0thing and maybe it's s0mething......s0mehow today I just want to ask a little easy question to all you f0lks out there.....IS IT HARD TO DO THE RIGHT THING?????.....
haha.....for some it's quite an uneasy questi0ns....and fr s0me it's just an0ther slick question....but all in all....we must answer......
- if you answered NO.......
this will always be the m0st easy and the maj0rity answers that you'll answer.......but think again....just try to remember what g0od have you d0ne today and compare it with what bad deeds you've d0ne and somehow you w0uld find out that it's actually hard....haha.....just cl0se your eyes and imagine this....there are s0 many pe0ple in the world that's easy to do the right thing....but s0mehow you l0ok into out world...the present day....th0se words aren't true....th0se words are lies....yes,,g0od deeds are easy t0 do...but h0w many of us would do it.....h0w many of us w0uld return a l0st I-Pad if we ever f0und one???...h0w many of us would st0p littering at an already c0ngested dustbin???...all these questi0ns are basic ethical questi0ns...but n0t many can do it....or have d0ne it....that's the plain truth.....
then it is clear that you d0n't understand the meaning of doing g0od and you aren't c0nfidence that you, yourself is a g0od person....or maybe you're stuck in a prejudice s0ciety....this is the reality that we have t0 live with....the word PREJUDICE.....PRE-JUDICIARY.....that's the r0ot form.....we have t0 be clear and understand that GOD had made human as a leader and a settler it this earth.....we're b0rn g0od and pure....there's n0 such pe0ple b0rn as evil.....evil came from within ourself and our inability t0 c0unter it....s0mehow criminals or th0se with a bad hist0ry behind them....they felt it's hard t0 do something right because 0f the s0ciety that c0nstantly judging....and judging them hard.....this is why these such pe0ple felt pr0secuted even when they repented......that's why you answered YES...isn't it???....
THE ANSWER????.....
hahaha....I might phil0sophycal or corky as you might put it.....but the true answer lies within ourselves...of c0urse.....for preachers and ustaz....they w0uld enc0urage us to do the right thing and it's easy....but from experience with many kind of pe0ple....the answer is all within you....because it's your right....yeah your 0wn right....t0 govern yourself in d0ing whatever you want....but remember this....s0oner rather than'll find your verdict of the acti0n that y0u've d0ne.....but simply d0 the right thing that you pleased t0 do....d0 what you think is right....and be sensible in your acti0ns.....and be rati0nal.....0f course....and please..think 0f others bef0re you do s0mehthing.......IT'S N0T EASY NOR HARD TO DO THE RIGHT THING....BUT IT'S ALL UP TO YOU.....
s0??? |
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