Friday, 2 March 2012

reMembeRing the g0od old days...

hurmmm....nostalgic moments....
utk mklumat skelian these pictures shows my friends well not all of them ni la wktu plg sdey skali wlaupun ana s0wg lelaki....haha.....for the rec0rd ni la 1st tym ana rasa sdey n almost broke down bila nk tinggalkan mereka.....huhu...

hurrmmm....teman2 yg baca nihh msti ad kwn2 kn...haaaa...cuba bygkan ana tggal di Jenan yg tercinta n of course b0arding tempat nihhh dy merapatkan kita malah membina ukhwah yg hbat antara kami...hurrmmm sgt kuat hggakan ase sdey yg amat2 bila nk tggalkan dpa, mjurla ad fb...haha...wlaupun kdang2 agk b0ring bila asyik2 tgk 0wg yg sama tgk owg yg sama la akan lbih rasa rindu bila xtgk dah....
 ukhwah ni stu ukhwah yg hbat....hurrmmm tgk gmb0 aje dah ase rndu dah....k0wg cube la ase bila kita dah d0k skali hmpir2 5 ta0n...brlwk2,, gad0h2,, wt bnde nakal...haha...n denda skalik...sume ni akn tggal kesan yg mendalam....sbb persahabatan yg ad antara kita tu stu ikatan yg hebat....insyaallah
so mne2 teman yg bca la bnde nihh....cbe revise persahabatan kita n remember back those n0stalgic moments...insyaallah...ur friendship will be much m0re sweeter if you can remeber those days....haha...

so dear readers try to l0ok back into those sweet moments so that you can cherish them and try t0 revise those tragic times and move on from it.....n one thing that is imp0rtant in friendship is.....just be urself and try not to change t0o much....(it's okay if it's for the better...haha)

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